Argument Essay

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Argument Essay

Reaction Paper on Article


Education is one of the most basic requirements for leading a successful and happy life. For this purpose the government, educationalists and the management of the educational institutes make attempts to bring improvement in the education system. One of the policies with this regard is related to the Princeton University that devised the policy that in each semester not more than 35 percent students from each department would be able to get A grade. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about this policy from variegated perspective.

Controversy of Anti-Grade Inflation

The article that was published in USA Today shows the opposition and a number of controversial arguments related to the new policy of Princeton from all walks of the life. With this regard the most raised voice is of students. The main problem with this policy is that there are chances that there would be no camaraderie among peers and pressure as a result of the intense and cut throat competition. As there would be less A grades then it is the possibility that students will feel reluctant to share their knowledge and information. Moreover, this can also create problems for the parents. This new grading policy can either influence students to become more stressful and studious to get A grade or it can so dishearten them that they hardly study. Both the situations can create issues for the parents and can make the parents worry about the mental health of their children. For professionals and employers it would create immense difficulty as they only have handful amount of students to choose from (Geoff, 2011).

If Cal State Implement the Policy Like Princeton

If Cal State implements this policy then it would be in the benefit of the students. Students should take this decision ...
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