Are We Prisoners Of Our Own Genes?

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Are we prisoners of our own genes?


In today's world of rapid growth, endless developments in humans have been undertaken for the purpose and objective of catering and dealing with human beings in a better, prompt manner.  Thus, to cater this need, people have started understanding the significance and importance of the psychology has been greatly emphasized upon today. Almost every other discipline pertains to discuss the crucial and most important points of discussion and consideration when it comes to helping students and people to look at things from a subliminal perspective (Wegner, 2003, pp. 7).

Psychology is the science of learning the mental processes that lead to different human behaviors with the passage of time. Human Development is the process of maturing from childhood to adulthood (Libet, 2005, pp. 56). Learning about human development is very important as it helps human being to communicate and deal with other human beings. In this paper, we will discuss different theories of Human Development in the perspective of life span. We will also analyze the impact of Heredity and Environment on Human Development (Berk, 2006, pp. 99).

Life Span Perspective of Human Development

Various theories have been presented by different Psychologist on the topic of Human Development. However, Cognitive and Behavior theories are one of the most important theories of all the presented theories (Britzman, 2006, pp. 65).

Cognitive idea is a learning theory of psychology that endeavors to interpret human demeanor by comprehending the thought processes. The assumption is that humans are ordered beings that make the alternatives that make the most sense to them. “Information processing” is a routinely utilized recount of the cognitive method, matching the human brain to a computer.

Pure cognitive idea largely declines behaviorism on the cornerstone that behaviorism decreases convoluted human demeanor to straightforward origin and effect. However, the tendency in past decades has been in the direction of amalgamating the two into a comprehensive cognitive-behavioral theory. This permits therapists to use techniques from both schools of considered assisting purchasers accomplish their goals (Carlson, 1997, pp. 36).

Social cognitive idea is a subset of cognitive theory. Primarily concentrated on the modes in which we discover to form the demeanor of other ones, social cognitive idea can be seen in advocating crusades and gaze force situations. It is furthermore helpful in the remedy of psychological disorders encompassing phobias. Social cognitive idea is commonly utilized in advertising.

Behaviorism theory was developed by John B. Watson in the early twentieth century. At that time, the main focus of psychology was to study the internal psychic phenomena by introspection, which is a very subjective method. Current psychology advocates the use of strict experimental procedures to study observable behavior. It considers the environment as a stimulus-response set. The behavioral approach in psychology has its roots in the associations of the English philosophers, as well as the American school of psychology known as functionalism and the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Influence of Heredity and Environment on Human Development

Personality is a name of internal control system that allows adaptation and internal ...
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