Apply Reflective Practise

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Apply Reflective Practise, Critical Thinking and Analysis

Apply Reflective Practise, Critical Thinking and Analysis

Article #1

Kim, Saitz R, Cheng DM, Winter MR, Witas J, Samet JH. 2011. Initiation and engagement in chronic disease management care for substance dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend; 2011; 115(1-2):80-6.


The objective of this paper is to briefly why it is necessary to adopt management strategy chronic diseases in and explain the context. Substance dependence treatment is generally episodic and not corresponding with healthcare for general comorbidities. They do not disappear of themselves. Many chronic diseases develop slowly, over time, due to behavior harmful to health. Management of chronic diseases and conditions is a challenge for the health care system and changes are needed to better manage these complex health problems. Chronic diseases are diseases of long duration which usually cannot be prevented by a vaccine or who cannot be cured completely. Many chronic diseases develop slowly, over time, sometimes because of behaviors that are harmful to health, such as smoking and inactivity.

Article #2

Kirby, Sue E.; Dennis, Sarah M.; Bazeley, Pat; Harris, Mark F. 2012. What distinguishes clinicians who better support patients for chronic disease self-management? Journal of Primary Health. Sep2012, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p220-227.


Many frequent readmissions caused by acute exacerbations of chronic disease could be prevented if patients self-managed. This study discovered the facts that has been involved in patients start for chronic disease self-management by qualitative analysis of interview data from hospital and community-based clinicians and patients.

Prevention and chronic disease management is an approach to health care that aims to help people maintain their independence and to be as healthy as possible through prevention, early diagnosis and management of chronic diseases. The system of prevention and chronic disease management may be easier to understand in the context of a continuum of care. ...
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