Application: Promoting Positive Health Behaviors

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Application: Promoting Positive Health Behaviors


Good health is a basic right of every citizen, and a healthy citizen contributes to the welfare and benefits of a society. Quite often, the health risks in a society pose a risk to the society by applying a strain of the healthcare utilization. This not only drains the governmental health-care and services cost but also the overall productivity of the society. Out of every 10 Americans, 7 die of chronic diseases or disorders (Kung, Hoyert,Xu & Murphy, 2008). In order to achieve the goal of providing everyone with minimum health care service, government as well as different private programs organizes preventive care campaigns that aid in the cause.

These health care programs have both positive outcomes as well as some failed ones. The preventive programs are based upon the concept of preventing the diseases and disorders that plague the general population of a country. The mission of a preventive health-care program is to provide the highest level of quality in terms of health status by performing a comprehensive evaluation. It is not necessary that the individual has to be effected by the disease before in any part of their lives. On the whole, this not only enables the governmental bodies to build a healthy environment but also to formulate a risk free future for their future generations.

Review of the article “Improving Female Preventive Health Care Delivery Through Practice Change: An Every Woman Matters Study”

Most preventive programs are aimed to spread awareness amongst masses by employing the technique of health related coaching, interactive interview sessions and medical campaigns. Various tests are performed to detect and identify hidden health risks at earlier stages. One such program is the Every Woman Matters. The authors Elisabeth Backer, Jenenne Geske, Helen McIlvain, Diane Dodendorf and William Minier have published an article titled, “Improving

Female Preventive Health Care Delivery Through Practice Change: An Every Woman Matters Study” in the Journal of the American board of family medicine (Backer, Geske, Helen, Diane & Minier, 2005). The researchers have performed a case study to describe the process of service delivery for Papanicolaou and mammograms. The researchers cross compared seven primary health-care prevention practice that used qualitative data from in depth interviews and patient meet-ups. Research nurses collected and provided the data. All the 7 studies used in this case report were very similar but had a difference on the practice context.

The study has also summarized the barriers that impose risk on the credibility of implementation of the preventive health services. These barriers include care-giver practice, patient compliance and the system that the physicians follow. The main focus in this case study was on the preventive health program named An Every Woman Matters Study (Hallberg & Kristensson,2004). This program is fundamentally a state run and government funded initiative that focuses on providing preventive health care services to under privileged or low income women of our society. This program aids public awareness and enables screening for breast and cervical cancers. The researchers evaluated the ...
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