Throughout history, we have analyzed the concept of innovation. Already from the time of the classical economists, this issue has been present, and continues to be so in the present. In turn, famous authors have emphasized innovation as essential for the socio-economic, that is why it is relevant study this phenomenon. The aim of this paper is to collect different theoretical studies the concept of innovation and to study the relationship of innovative processes development (Lee 2008, pp. 23-25). To this end, in chapter one explains the concepts of innovation and development, in chapter two is a summary of the main contributions theorists on the subject and the concept of evolution in time, in Chapter analyze three different models of innovation, in chapter four sources of innovation in five different strategies that can have companies to this phenomenon and in chapter six attempts to relate to innovation in regional development.
Innovation and development create a new organization or a new form of production or a form different from carrying out a task, etc. This way you are adding to a new analysis of the concept element, which Schumpeter had not mentioned, and that is innovation in the organization. As you can see, innovation is not only regarding the creation of a new product or modern technology, but is a broader concept. Stevenson McDonald makes the case as an example of Hamburger innovation in the organization (Barney 2007, pp. 35-37). He says the product was not new, it was already in the world, but it was innovative in management. From the above, it follows that the change represents an Innovation can occur both in the social structure, such as governance, in developing a product or a business organization, including other. Thus, innovation is a way by which knowledge moves and turns into a process, a product or service that incorporates new advantages for the market or society. Also, note that, although innovation may be present in any sector of business is its property (Bello 2006, pp. 545-555). Peter Drucker expressed in his book Innovation and innovator, "Entrepreneurship innovative sees change as a healthy norm”. Not necessarily lead to make the change himself but (and this is what defines the original entrepreneurship) searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity.
Concepts of innovation and development
There are many definitions about the term innovation and numerous theoretical contributions around this phenomenon. Innovation is the process of integration of existing technology and inventions to create or enhance a product, a process or system. Innovation is the tool of entrepreneurs innovative, the means by which to exploit change as an opportunity to a separate business is the act of providing resources to new ability to produce wealth. Innovation creates a resort. There is no such thing until the there is the application and then gives it economic value (Bello 2007, pp. 455-472). Innovation is the production of a new technological knowledge, different from the invention is the creation of ...