Apple Ipad

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Marketing in Practice

Marketing in Practice


Apple has devised a successful promotional strategy for the launch of iPad 4 and has effectively embedded this strategy into its current marketing mix. This has allowed them to create a successful marketing campaign. The promotional tools used by Apple have been described in detail, the main focus of whose is relying on their innovation which also allows Apple to effectively differentiate itself from the cut-throat competition it faces in tablet market. Further recommendations have been made to overcome the shortcomings of the current promotional strategy. All in all, Apple iPad was successfully promoted and the legacy of being a high end premium brand has been followed in this campaign as well.


iPad happens to be one of the leading products which is designed by Apple Inc. It is basically a tablet computer which runs on the operating system of Apple called iOS. It was in the year 2010 when iPad was launched for the first time by Apple; however the later models of iPads which includes the fourth generation iPad and iPad Mini have been recently launched in the last quarter of year 2012 (Flores et al., 2012, p. 75).

The following paper seeks to look into the promotional tool used by Apple to introduce their latest version of iPad into the market. It seeks to evaluate the appropriateness of the promotional tools and strategies which were implemented by Apple and it goes on to establish a link between these strategies and the creative mix of marketing which Apple rigorously follows.

Main Findings

When ipad 4 was announced in the later phase of 2012, it seemed to look like somewhat similar to iPad 2 and almost identical in shape and size with the iPad 3. However, the interface and specifications of iPad 4 varies greatly as it comes with a A6X processor, FaceTime HD camera and LTE networking (Ostashewski & Reid, 2010, p. 2863), all of which combines to make iPad 4 a considerable upgrade from the previous versions.

After critically analyzing the promotional tools and strategies used by Apple, the following areas have been established. The promotional strategy of iPad 4 has been revolved around these aspects and in doing so, Apple has successfully kept its market share and and its position despite the cut throat competition which prevails in the product category which iPad falls in.

Apple did not compete on the price factor. Even ...
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