Apple Inc.

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Apple Case Study Analysis

Apple Case Study Analysis


Apple is a company that operates in the field of electronics and computer. Apple develops, sells and supports a range of personal computers, portable media players, software and hardware. Every time Steve Jobs takes the stage with his minimalist look for announce a new product to the world. After all, everyone wants to know what the most innovative company in Silicon Valley been up and nobody wants miss the chance to take a bite of the apple (Apple, 2012). The more creative and innovative company in the world is present in more 125 countries, counting approximately 323 stores located, mostly in the United States, and units in England, Canada, Japan, Italy, Australia, China, Switzerland, Germany, France and Spain.

Apple products created each time by extremely creative professionals who valued the convenience devices. iPhone has proven to be one of the first phone without a keyboard. Metal casing gadget adds robustness and stands as the only one on the market. It is impossible to confuse it with any other mp4 player or camera phone. Apple shapes the market. Engineers refine products and three choose one best treatments to the final place on the market. Some customers are real fans and loyal to the brand, they buy Apple products immediately when there are on the market. They talk about them with your friends and brag about their acquisitions. Actively use them, and discover hidden features, which only read the forums. In any user with shortcuts keyboards is not met. Not everyone knows that to take a screenshot on your iPod just hold the centre button and the power button. Exploring these and other curiosities stimulates minds and encouraged to discuss and share their discoveries (Lashinsky, 2012).


The Apple Inc. was founded in 1975, started its activities as a Society of microcomputers, which were based on a recent development of the microprocessor chip. Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a culture should be as corporate hierarchy vertical. Mac computers were always chosen over a wide minority. Some chose us because they thought they were better to given function, others because they liked the operating system, but all did so because they felt that being with the mark of the apple was something that differentiated. As if they were apart. After having re-entered to take control Apple, Steven Jobs was concerned to make products that were not indifferent to people. Products they like to use, they were Beautiful and simple to control. The iTunes store itself was not a source of profits for Apple, as it gets less than 10 cents a song which should also cover all costs related to the portal. However, the music downloaded from iTunes was supported only by iPod, which saw further grow its success among the public (Barney, 2001, pp. 99-120).

In the field of computers; in 2001, the changes in the design: plastic and bright colours were abandoned ...
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