It is a kind of disease, in which there is a gradual degenerative process affecting the intervertebral discs and cartilage cushioning pads located between vertebrae. It is also sometimes referred to as Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). The human body structures lose water and become weak if it is affected by Spondylosis. This process is expressed in the intervertebral discs in the form of thinning, losing part of its role in buffering. This causes the intervertebral discs and joints to wear out.
When, the thinning of the discs reach at an advanced stage on x-ray or other imaging study, a thinning of the intervertebral occurs. Any level of the spine can be affected and its clinical expression is often causes pain in the affected area. This chronic degenerative process may affect the body of the vertebrae and even the bone marrow. Spondylosis progresses with age and often develops in several intervertebral spaces. It is the most common cause of progressive compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots (Cawley, 2004).
Spondylolsis is considered to be one of the brightest and most famous representatives of spondylarthritis .It is a chronic inflammatory disease of joints of the spine and joints, which leads to severe pains and harmful effects to the human body. It was initially described as an atypical variant of rheumatoid factor .In the early 70's, the concept of spondylolsis originated and it had severe affects on the joints and ligaments of the spine. Since that time, spondylolsis has been causing a lot of problems in the human body.
Spondylosis occurs because of metabolism, leading to excessive deposition of lime salts in the body. Basically spondylosis develops in old age due to many years of heavy loads on the spine disorders and age-sharing. Men suffer more often than women. Young people may be the cause of spondylosis spinal curvature, as they lead to incorrect, uneven distribution of load on the vertebrae. There may be other reasons for the development of spondylosis.Till date; different studies are being conducted to come up with more and more result effective treatments to cure this disease (Rothschild, 2009).
Causes of spondylosis
The main causes of spondylosis are mentioned below:
•Spine injury or micro trauma
•Static overload on the spine
•Various metabolic
•Advanced age
Symptoms of spondylosis
The first and most common symptom of spondylosis is pain in a human body. The pain can occur suddenly, with an awkward sudden movement, while coughing or changing body position. Spondylosis of the cervical spine first affects the cervical region and then, there is pain in the entire body. A person finds very difficult to sleep in a comfortable position and his sleep is disturbed throughout.
There is heaviness in the head, dizziness, pain in the shoulder and belt in the thoracic region. There is a certain kind of stiffness in the back and the neck. There is a symptom of "intermittent claudication", when there is pain while walking. The pain occurs first in one leg, then another. But people still have pain when they stop and rest in a standing ...