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APA Research Paper


The main feature of the Israeli health care system is that it is based on the National Health Insurance which guarantees all residents the right to receive medical care through the hospital insurance fund. Healthcare in Israel provides special provisions for women. This Study provides a comprehensive view on the Israeli Healthcare and its effect on women in particular.

Demographics of Israel

Israel is a country with the official name the State of Israel. It is located in the South-west Asia and the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Lebanon in the North-East; with Syria in the East; with Jordan in South-West. It also borders with Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

It was proclaimed on May 14, 1948 at a resolution of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). According to the Central Statistical Bureau of Israel, published December 29, 2010 , the total population of Israel, not including foreign workers and illegal immigrants amounts to 7,695,000 inhabitants. Of these, 5.802 million (75.4%) are Jews, 1.573 million (20.5%) are Arabs (including Arabs, Muslims, the Palestinians, Bedouins, Christian Arabs) and 320 thousand (4.2%) Druze , Circassians and representatives of other ethnic minorities . Since 2000, the proportion of the Jewish population decreased by 1.9%, and Muslims has increased by 1.2%. Proportion of Christians, including Christian Arabs - has not changed, and the proportion of Druze increased by 0.7%. Among Jews - 3.1 million (56%) were born in Israel and 2,390,000 (44%) were Immigrants Approximately 1.2 million came from the former Soviet Union , 500 thousand came from Morocco , 240 thousand from Iraq , 230 thousand from Romania , 210 thousand from Poland, 105 thousand from Ethiopia (Israel Healthcare report 2009) . Ashkenazi is the majority Jews.

More than 270 thousand citizens of Israel live in settlements in Judea and Samaria, like the city of Maale Adumim in the West, and the biggest Jewish city of Samaria Ariel. Some Jewish settlements, such as Hebron and Gush Etzion , there even before the formation of the state and was re-inhabited by Jews after the Six Day War (Seidman 2010) . The total number of Israeli settlers more than 500 million people (approximately 6.5% of the total Israeli population). 7,800 people lived in the Gaza Strip prior to their forced eviction in 2005.18 thousand Israelis live in the Golan Heights and250 thousand people in 2006 lived in East Jerusalem. Russian Jews have played an important role in the Zionist movement and the creation of Israel, and after 1970 took a significant part in the development of science and economy of Israel.


The main feature of the Israeli health care system is that it is based on the National Health Insurance which guarantees all residents the right to receive medical care through the hospital insurance fund.

Following services categorically delineates the overview of Israeli Healthcare System

Diagnosis and outpatient treatment

This category includes consultation, diagnosis and receiving a physician, a pediatrician and a specialist doctor (an otolaryngologist, a urologist, orthopedist, ...
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