Apa Research Paper

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APA Research Paper


In this study we try to explore the concept of “addiction and its treatment, and counseling of families who are suffering from such addictive habit” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “counseling families with addictions” and its relation with “its treatment and counseling to make preventions for this”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “addiction and people who suffer with this” and tries to gauge its effect on “families”.

APA Research Paper


Treatment Solutions Network consultants help families decide if their loved one is ready for treatment and what to do next. There are ways to help the addict reach rock bottom without hurting them. We help alleviate family stress by facilitating interventions, designing treatment strategies and arranging aftercare programs led by skilled, caring professionals. We will make the connections that allow families to find freedom from the destructive patterns of addiction

Where does such a strong attraction to certain chemicals? Firstly, at the beginning of drug use, people are getting brighter and unusual sensations, changing habitual perception of the world by developing the body large number of endorphins - the hormone of happiness that is so easy to get! And then the drugs are rapidly incorporated into the complex work of the brain, it is quite necessary for the most natural cheerful mood and wellbeing (Obert, 2000).

The Theoretical Model of Addiction

The disease model has long been the foundation of traditional approaches to treating addiction, but it continues to be a topic of controversy and debate among mental health professionals and the public at large. Many people question the legitimacy of viewing addiction as a disease and are concerned that doing so dangerously absolves addicts and alcoholics of personal responsibility for their excessive substance use and related irresponsible behaviors. However, most concerns about the disease model stem from misinterpretations and misunderstandings based on lack of accurate information.

And after a while drugs are only needed in order to get rid of anxiety and irritability in the shower, and the excruciatingly-painful sensations in the body, which already suffers from a physical dependence.

More precisely, the term encompasses the state of physical dependence caused by the intake of substances such as morphine, heroin or alcohol, but it is also used in the case of the state of psychological dependence, caused by taking such drugs as barbiturates (Rawson, 2001). Treatment is aimed at gradually reducing the reception of the substance and eventually out to achieve total abstinence sick of it.

Drug treatment and rehabilitation of counseling families with addictions

A full course of drug treatment is usually in four stages, of which the first two are specific to the medical nature, and in the next two dominant educational measures. Can still preliminary stage - drug testing , but rather, it refers to the prevention of drug abuse, and not to treat illness and rehabilitation of addicts.

Detoxification (Detox) The first step in treating addicts neutralization of the poison in the body ...
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