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Prologue and Epilogue of Antigone

Prologue of Antigone

Two brothers were killed in the Polyneices and Eteocles in Thebes' civil war. Creon was made the new ruler of Thebes who ordered that Polyneices would be disgraced and his body would not be made sacred holy and will not be allowed to be buried but, Eteocles would be honored. The two brothers had two sisters as well named Antigone and Ismene, last children of Oedipus (Leech, 1969) (Leech, 1969) (Leech, 1969).

Antigone meets Ismene secretly outside the city and asks her for help in burying Polyneices' body against the rule. Ismene is scared and fears the death penalty, therefore, she refuses to help. She even fails to discourage Antigone to attempt this act herself. Antigone tells Ismene: “If this is how you speak you will have hatred from me and will justly be subject to the lasting hatred of the dead (Leech, 1969) (Leech, 1969).”

Creon, later on, wants the support from Theban Elders on his decision made about the body of Polyneices. While they were discussing, they were informed that the body has already been buried. The Sentry who informed them was ordered to find the culprit and not much time passed, when he came back with Antigone. Upon questioning, she accepts that she has buried the body. Her arguments about the morality angers Creon. Creon assumes that Ismene may have helped her too and, therefore, she is called too. Though, Ismene have not helped Antigone but, she makes a false claim that she has done so. Ismene says that she was an accomplice, but Antigone rejects her, saying that “a friend in words is not the friend that I love.”Creon orders a temporarily lock up for both of them.

Haemon who is Creon's son and Antigone's fiance visits his father and present himself committed ...
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