Anti Discriminatory 'employment Laws'

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Anti Discriminatory 'Employment Laws'

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Anti Discriminatory 'Employment Laws'


The anti discriminatory laws in America are developed to ensure that the equal employment opportunities are presented to the holistic society. It is due to this reason that the relevant employment discrimination oriented laws are derived from the American common law. The anti discriminatory laws also include the various state and federal laws, and a special emphasis is laid on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The companies operating in the American business sector have to ensure that they follow the relevant discrimination laws, and every potential candidate is given the similar employment opportunity (Yamada, 2009). The regulatory authorities have to play a vital role on the development of the appropriate discriminatory laws, as they have to ensure that he companies are able to hire the relevant candidates. The businesses have the right to hire the appropriate candidates, whom the feel can fulfill the requirements of the job position.

The full time human resource administrative assistance position has a very vital role in the company. The human resource individuals have the responsibility ensure that the organizational employees have the skills to perform their job related activities. In the context of the contemporary business environment the role of the human resource executives has been enhanced drastically, where they have to adopt multitasking capabilities. The relevant administrative assistant for this company would be hired through a comprehensive process, where the relevant candidates would be analyzed on different criteria (Kim & Sung-Choon, 2013). This process would ensure that the company is able to hire the most competent and deserving individual present in the accessible market. The advertisement for the position would be placed through various mediums such as the internet, newspapers, magazines and also mail; so that it can reach the maximum number of potential job applicants.


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Job Description

The human resource administrative assistant has several duties that must be performed, as the position holds an integral role for the entire department. The HR administrative assistant must primarily provide support and further assistance in the day to day functions of the human resource department. The administrative assistant must keep a close communicational relation with the department head of the human resource department, and also managers from other areas. Considering the significance of the job position, different managers from across the departmental network would require adequate assistance and support. In this regard the HR administrative assistant must be ready to provide timely support and feedback. The administrative assistant must have an extensive knowledge regarding the training and development needs of the human resource, and must provide this information to the relevant managers.

Within the Human resource department the administrative assistant would have proactive role in various departmental functional areas. The HR administrative assistant would have to work in the following functional areas in versatile capacities: human resource development (departmental wise), HR relations, employee compensation- benefits, executive administration and various other functions. The administrative assistant would have to assume responsibility for all of these functions, and work ...
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