Anti Discrimination Law

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Anti Discrimination Law

Anti Discrimination Law


This piece of study aims to talk about the anti discrimination law, which is known as Equality Act 2010. The motive of this study is to lime light all the important clauses of the law in the given scenarios. As most of the people know that there are certain sections of the law that provide necessary statements in order to strengthen the enforcement of equal pay between women and men, but at the same time, the government's failure to implement some of the key provisions of the law could result in undermining the effectiveness of the law. Thus, this paper also aims to discuss this aspect related to the Equality Act 2010. Moreover, there are three scenarios given for the discussion, and this piece of study also highlights the issues described in the given cases of Dave and Gary, Judith, and Helen's family, in the light of particular sections of the equality law as applied to those cases independently


The Equality act 2010 came into existence because of the need of reducing socio-economic inequalities that are increasingly prevailing in the Western societies. These inequalities are arising in almost every area of social life, may it be education, work, or availing the facilities of goods or services. Thus, it was highly required by the Ministers of the Crown to take necessary steps and strategic decisions in order to address these increasing issues and to exercise certain provisions to reduce the inequalities in these areas. The major areas that the law covers include socio-economic inequalities, harassment and discrimination related to numerous personal characteristics, the issues regarding differences between the pay of female and male employees, victimization in certain areas, equality in terms of opportunity, law relating to responsibilities and rights in family relationships, and all other connected concerns.

On 8th of April 2010, the Equality Act officially received Royal approval. In October of this year, the prior Labor Government's intention was that its major provisions could come into force. However, the collective provisions of discrimination and equality duties were not in the schedule for the enforcement until April of the year 2011. In addition to this, the provision related to gender pay reporting of private sector would not be scheduled to come into force until the year 2013. Moreover, the new Coalition Government would be responsible for reviewing the proposed schedules and deadlines, as well as, the contents of the Equality Act. Furthermore, the Government Equalities Office (GEO) has removed from its website the prior timetable of implementation that was proposed by the preceding administration.


Question 01: Government's failure


The Equality Act 2010, also termed as 'EA', referred to a widely compounded measure that is passed in the last days of the prior government. The aim of this act is to update all the legal assistances that can be used by individuals in order to challenge any type of discrimination that they feel is against them, regarding the education system, workplace, or regarding the discrimination when receiving or buying any public or commercial ...
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