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Anthropology And Power

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Anthropology and Power

Anthropology and Power


Power is the ability of people to take action in pursuit of their own goals and interests, it is also the control over others, the ability to mobilize resources. Language and ideology accompanied by the line, which together serve the power to help construct, maintain or collapse of social power relations (Asad,1973). The language is well received by the power relations between social groups, in turn, affect this power relationship, and then return to the discussion of the relationship between language and status up, a person's social status through their verbal behavior manifested specifically manifested by voice, intonation, vocabulary, sentence and appellation (Asad,1973).

Bourdieu field serves as the basic unit of sociological research, capital field analysis as a tool will be extended to the entire community (Bourdieu, 1977). Field provides the domain exist strength and competition, decision the competition logic is the logic of capital, capital is not only competing goals of field activities, but it is also for the means of competition. Bourdieu's concept of capital is different from the concept of capital used by economists, in his view, capital is accumulated labor materialized or concrete, flesh in the form of this labor as social resources in the exclusive basis of his actors or groups of Bourdieu capital is divided into three basic types such as; economic capital, social capital, cultural capital. In 1986, Bourdieu in the capital in the form of complete first proposed the theory of cultural capital after Bourdieu through elucidation of the concept of cultural capital distinguish specific class has the economic power and unique culture connected qualification in his view, the class differences exist not only in the process of economic production and exchange, but also in the field of material and cultural consumption has been fully reflected (Bourdieu, 1977). Career and income is the source of the economic capital, the formation of the lifestyle and elegant taste, must rely on the accumulation of cultural capital. important part in the cultural capital, the language which is a complex system, by social, historical, political factor in the formation of the product, when we investigated it is not simply about the role of language as well as changes in the history, and combined with the social reality of forces involved considerations.

Modern anthropological theory

You could say that societies treat primary human groups as powerless and state. They are not necessarily society without political practice, because the policy is a set of human activities planned and integrated culturally aimed at regulating the power (Bourdieu, 1980). Obviously, this can happen without a third or stateless. In the context of political or social activity a group aimed at survival material or spiritual, that must involve all these activities are purposely diluted out to prevent the emergence of a ruler that accumulate power. This is the case of primate societies.

Even when some deterrent power makes you change your mind or intent or coercive that can exert repression, the strangeness of the concentration and accumulation of power is immediate, ...
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