Food Symbolizes the Power and Social Class Identity of the Colonel
This paper will discuss how food symbolizes the power and social class identity of the colonel. To understand, this first anthropology of food will be discuss then it will discuss it in the context of colonel. When the colonel has money, he has food. The whole town he lives in is in the dumps. All lower class citizens forced to eat this gruel like soup while the richer folk gets fat and diabetes.
Anthropology is the study of human life, societies, and cultures. Anthropologists have substantially contributed to the study of consumer culture by exploring the social construction of needs and desires, the relationships of humans to material goods, and the cross-cultural diversity of consumer practices (Baker & Martyn, 32).
Studying the history of food, or rather food from a historical perspective, has been part of several disciplines' research agenda, though archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians have possibly been those most likely to dig deep into the earth and archives at interpret human remains in relation to food consumption. To analyze food ways across the globe, such as food customs in everyday life, food production, preparation of dishes, cooking, and cultural behaviors at the table in different social environments.
Food habits have changed considerably over time, from the prehistoric history of human beings characterized as Homo sapiens more than a hundred thousand years ago to today's consumer society in the early twenty-first century. In the past, a person's food habits were dependent on local availability of food, but in modern society, we see a global exchange of food as a commodity, where food has become a form of cultural expression among consumers.
Looking more specifically at food intake over time, there have been some major periods of transition in the history of food. There are debates as to whether man, meaning the first hominids during the early prehistoric era, snatched carcasses or behaved as daring hunters, as meat played an important part in their diet. In the Greek and Roman cultures, food from the untilled, uncultivated landscape was a cultural symbol of the poor and was, therefore, avoid by more affluent citizens. However, it should be noted that the developing agricultural society was still highly dependent on hunting and fishing, and food products from these activities were essential features of diverse food cultures and in various regions (Fernández, 12).
Thus, different cuisines were establishing around the world. ...