Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography Essay

Annotated Bibliography Essay

This paper entails an annotated bibliography of five articles that has Graduate Recruitment as its underlying theme. Graduate Recruitment is considered as one of the core functions of Human Resource Management. Conversely, the main article is by Claus Wehner et al. (2012), which is included in the first segment of the paper. Likewise, the second segment of this paper consists of a discussion on the main article in light of how it is supported or challenged by the other four articles. Both segments of discussion are presented in the following section.

Article 1: Claus Wehner, M., Giardini, A., & Kabst, R. (2012). Graduates' reactions to the recruitment process outsourcing: A scenario-based study. Human Resource Management, 51(4), 601-623.

In this study, Claus Wehner et al. (2012) have examined how graduate students react to the trends of outsourcing of recruitment activities of an organisation to external providers. This outsourcing of recruitment activities is popularly known as the Recruitment Process Outsourcing-RPO.

Moreover, this study made use of the experiment method consisting of a research sample of 158 graduates of a German university. While, the results were evaluated using the measurement model, which according to the scholars suggested a negative effect of the RPO activities amongst the graduates. The researchers also highlighted that this impacted the attractiveness of the students towards the organisation.

Conversely, this study has proven to be useful for my research as it highlights the unique insight of graduate perception to the outsourced recruitment and selection activities by organisations. However, one of the key limitations of this study is the research methodology adopted. If another research tool or technique along with a bigger research sample size had been used, it would have further enhanced the efficacy of the research findings.

Article 2: Ekuma, K. (2012). The Importance of Predictive and Face Validity in Employee Selection and Ways of Maximizing Them: An Assessment of Three Selection Methods. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(22), 115-122.

In this study, Ekuma (2012) asserts the value of inducting employees with the right match of skills, knowledge and abilities through the recruitment and selection process. The selection of a right-fit employee is crucial for the success, growth and survival of any organisation. An employee selection process is conducted through using a mixture of various tools and techniques. The author highlights a key concern related with the number of changes taking place in the external environment of businesses today. These include elements such as technological developments and globalization, which have led to a more competitive business environment.

The author critically inspects the approaches of face validity and predictive validity for the selection methods used in the induction process of a candidate. The author has utilized the correlation method in order to see the effectiveness of different employee selection methods and their efficacy in terms of predictive and face validity. Of these methods, interviews, assessment centres and work sampling were identified to be having a high correlation with the face and predictive validity. However, the author concludes by stating that ...
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