Annette Von Drost-Hulshoff

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Annette Von Drost-Hulshoff


From the extracts of Annette's sister Jenny's diaries, which in many cases are the main source of research on the writer, it is clear that the Droste, was born as a premature baby on the Hülshoff, on 10 January of 1797. On 24th May 1848, Annette von Droste-Hulshoff dies eventually to the sea castle, where she also is buried on 26th May, 1848 (Morgan 1980, 246).

View of the world

If one looks in the context of the period of 1815-1848, as the ideological position of Droste, it can be expected without a doubt as one of the conservative side. The author shows, in this respect as well as, conscious and resolute ally and advocate of the restoration. The Droste took over but now with all the firmness of their partisanship, not uncritically the pre-conservative thinking, how they were taught it in their lives quite secluded world. She had the Christian-feudal world view to the test of their own time and personal experiences and came to an entirely autonomous opinion and enlightened position determination, which was often seen as very negative by relatives. Thus in 1846, Droste in her concluding poem, bears the title "the groaning creation" and presents the theological foundation of their pessimism. The belief of the Droste is best known from her works from the rich and letter correspondence read with friends. One can assign her work for the Catholic party, which had at that time in Westphalia in Münster and the much greater influence (Pickar 1994, 52).


The Droste began early literary attempts. As a child, she practiced with increasing ability in poems of various kinds of 16 years occasionally. In this period, Droste prepared her work style based on the fact that they are a complicating issues repeatedly maneuvered into position problems, and to eliminate their own way tried eventually. The character of these early pieces is influenced by the mother, whose dominant role in the family here is already evident here. The orientation of the flavor of the mother Droste will also play in their subsequent work is not to be underestimated. Reflected in their early work was also the self-perceived and contradicted by others often described the conflict between self-assertion and adaptation, during which time her character tried Droste to the family and relatives to consolidate (Morgan 1984, 221).

Narrative poems

The Versepik, Droste had built with their Walther their toll, was one of the favorite literary genre of the "Biedermeier". Droste sought in its three well-known narrative poems, the hospice on the Great St. Bernard Pass, The physician's legacy, The Battle of the Loener break at a certain time current awareness, which they also reached a high literary quality. The escape into a more "whole" in an idealized past or future appears in the narrative poems and other works by irritating Droste. The Versepik of Annette von Droste-Hulshoff, is difficult to reconcile with the then prevailing taste and consciousness, what is the impact Droste as part of a negative in terms of attention to their ...
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