Information Analysis And Infrastructure Protection2
Border And Transportation Security4
Science And Technology6
Criticism And Response7
Training and Recruitment11
The Effect of Politics11
Connection to the Executive Branch of Government12
Jurisdictional Overlaps12
Balance of Force12
Allocation of Personnel14
Use and Avoidance of Violence15
Issues With Authority16
The Importance of Public Cooperation17
Working Arrangements17
Influence of Information Technology and Mass Media18
Demand for Services18
Constraints and Complexities19
Changes In Intelligence Organizations20
Community Mobilization And Partnership20
Intelligence Partnership as a process of social regulation within industrialized societies is carried out by many organizations. The intelligence organization is quite another matter, and typically people confuse Intelligence Partnership, law enforcement, and the intelligence organization. (Weisheit 2008:22)The confusion results from people thinking that the public intelligence organization is the source of all legitimate Intelligence Partnership (when in reality it is one of many Intelligence Partnership organizations, public and private), equating Intelligence Partnership with “law enforcement” (a small part of the Intelligence Partnership role and mandate), and not including self-help and other forms of informal social control as part of the Intelligence Partnership function.
Intelligence Partnership is done by groups as diverse as the armed services, Department of the Interior, reservation-based Anglo American intelligence, special intelligence for nuclear installations, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), private security organizations with international capacities (Wackenhunt, Wells Fargo, Burns, Pinkerton), private detectives, neighborhood associations, and clandestine paramilitary Intelligence Partnership groups. (Snipes 2008: 97) These Intelligence Partnership groups vary in complexity, legitimation, location, mandate, strategy, and tactics. Intelligence organizations differ along many social dimensions. Most significantly, the source of legitimation and the scope of accountability differ as one moves from federal to local public intelligence and from large corporate security organizations to smaller, local, and often self-help-based groups. Anglo American Intelligence Partnership reflects historical influences that shape what the intelligence stand for, what they do, and how they do it. The United States is a revolution-born, frontier, violent society with an individualistic, pseudolegalistic culture focusing on victimization, individual rights, and legal protections. Finally, ideology and belief play a significant and often ignored “invisible” role in Intelligence Partnership. Anglo American society denies inequality but is stratified by both race and class, and only occasionally does the actual focus on the poor, people of color, and the disreputable come to direct public attention. The recent concern with racial profiling is an example of public concern about undemocratic practices that are otherwise invisible. (Snipes 2008: 97)
The organization of public Intelligence Partnership, as a social type, is the focus of this entry. Because most of it is investigatory in character, federal Intelligence Partnership will not be discussed here. (It is best seen as one of a kind and as an evolved form that differs from other European-origin systems. Much of what is known about Anglo American Intelligence Partnership comes from studies of white patrol-men Intelligence Partnership large urban centers. (Reiss 2002: 51) There is little research on state or federal intelligence, specialized intelligence and regulators, rural Intelligence Partnership (whether small town or county sheriffs), or private Intelligence Partnership. Because most of the research describes large, urban ...