Anglo American Plc

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Anglo American plc

Anglo American plc


Anglo American plc (Anglo American) is committed in investigation, extraction and processing of metals and minerals. The company's excavation enterprise operations spreads in 45 countries. The company is mostly into excavation of Platinum, precious gems, Base Metals, metal Ore (Ferrous Metals) and Coal. The company's business is segmented into six business flats namely: Platinum, precious gems, groundwork Metals, Ferrous Metals, Coal and developed Minerals. The Platinum business unit includes the company's subsidiary Anglo Platinum, which mines, perfects and markets platinum assembly metals encompassing platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium.

Industry overview

PGMs have a broad variety of developed and high-technology applications. Demand for platinum is propelled by its use in autocatalysts to command emissions from both gasoline and diesel engine vehicles, and in jewellery. These utilises are responsible for 71% of snare Total platinum consumption. Platinum, however, also has an tremendous variety of lesser-known applications, predominantly in the chemical, electric, health, glass and petroleum industries.

The platinum jewellery market requires unchanging advancement and development and Anglo Platinum is the foremost follower of the Platinum Guild worldwide, which since its inception in 1975 has played a key function in encouraging demand for platinum and setting up new platinum jewellery markets. Since 2000, ceramic has been the number one platinum jewellery market, pursued by Japan and North America.

Industrial submissions for platinum are propelled by expertise and, especially in the case of autocatalysts, by legislation. Technological development extends to drive developed demand and ongoing research into new applications will conceive farther development in this sector. With the fast disperse of exhaust emissions legislation, more than 93% of new vehicles traded in the world now have autocatalysts fitted. The intensifying stringency of emissions legislation will drive growth in PGM demand for autocatalysts as new legislation is directed to motor trucks and off street vehicles in the US. In Europe, the expanding popularity of diesel driven vehicles, which can only use autocatalysts that are predominantly platinum-based, extends and will farther intensify demand.

Interest in fuel cell technology has accelerated spectacularly over the past ten years, mostly on the back of increasing concerns about ecological degradation and power costs. At present, demand is small, but stepwise medium to LONg period growth, first in little battery replacement submissions and stationary fuel cells, and subsequent with the commercialisation of fuel cell vehicles, is envisaged.

Palladium's principal application is in autocatalysts (around 50% of net demand). Palladium is furthermore used in electronic constituents, in dental alloys and more recently as an appearing jewellery steel in markets such as China. Palladium demand development is anticipated to slow against a backdrop of expanding provide anticipated from South African expansions and recycling from expended autocatalysts.

Rhodium is an important steel in autocatalytic activity, which accounts for almost 85% of snare demand. The steel is furthermore utilised in developed submissions such as glass-making for flat section brandish units. In the short to medium period, the market provide and demand balance is anticipated to remain taut, supported by autocatalyst growth and glass demand ...
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