Ancient Chinese Contributions

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Ancient Chinese Contributions

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China is today the greatest economy of the world. The Chinese development and contribution has long been associated with their interest in science and technology. Until the mid of the nineteenth century, China was the biggest economy of the world. However, Chinese contributions have not been known much, especially to the Western world, apart from the four most important Chinese inventions.

Still, Chinese have been great inventors and contributors since long times. The practices of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, construction, pottery, weaving, brewing, and medicine have been with the Chinese since ancient times. The science and technology had been the prominent feature of most of the Chinese dynasties, including the Han and Tang Dynasties. Additionally, the Chinese were also ahead in natural sciences, and in the arts, history, philosophy, and other spheres. They also invented numerous things of vital importance in the daily life of any human being. Indeed, important metals and other minerals were also invented by the Chinese which include iron, copper, coal, and petroleum. Further, it is said by some that Chinese were also very progressive in certain fields of the physical sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and astronomy. Finally, the Chinese also built the Great Canal and the Great Wall of China (which was one of the seven wonders, of the world) (Yinke, 2010).

Ancient Chinese contributions

The Chinese have been very innovative and prolific. Since ancient times they made several inventions which were excruciatingly necessary for daily life. These inventions made our life easier and convenient. These inventions brought drastic changes in life as these inventions quickly became our utmost necessities of life. The people could not live without these goods. Had these things not been invented by the Chinese, then perhaps someone else would have definitely invented these, because these represented the fundamental needs of the human kind.

The ancient Chinese were vast and big civilizations. They mostly remained secluded from the world. The Chinese population has always been the most populous nation of the world, since ancient times. The Chinese were attacked numerous times by warriors from other parts of the world. They tried to conquer China, but to no avail. The Chinese always remained distinct and separate from the rest of the world. Furthermore, the Chinese fought multiple opium wars with the outside world. At the time, their major inventions had already been transferred to the world outside China. These ancient Chinese inventions were bought by the traders of the world who visited China. However, still China was not a trading partner of the world and remained self-sufficing and closed to the trading world.

China has always been a great inventor. Ancient Chinese remained great inventors and contributed to the development of numerous products for everyday use. The major inventions of the ancient Chinese include the gunpowder, paper, printing, compass, iron and steel smelting, pottery and porcelain, wine and liquor, tea and tea culture, and the mechanical clock (Liyao, 2011).

In addition to these inventions, it has been argued that four ...
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