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Analytical report on the sustainability of the London 2012 games

Executive Summary

When London was awarded the Olympics in 2005, the expenditure was of 23 billion. The budget quadrupled to nearly 90 billion. The London Olympics should also be remembered as the most sustainable ever built. . The standard marks a new approach in the management of systems for the realization of events more environmentally conscious, which should also lead to improvements in key sustainability issues such as the choice of location, transportation, recycling or reuse of waste and creation of a food strategy. Organizing games has become an opportunity to inform the public and to acquaint her with some major global challenges we currently face in areas such as transport, energy, infrastructure and healthcare. The Olympic Games attracted the attention of the wider issues of infrastructure, which will be addressed in the future, and possible ways of addressing them. All efforts to reduce the impact on the environment are laudable, especially when we consider that in London every day, thousands of people came to be spectators Olympics.

sAnalytical Report on the Sustainability of the London 2012 Games


In 2012, London hosted the summer Olympics for the third time. The 30 Olympic Games were the greenest and most sustainable in history, in terms of environment, recycling, and economic and social repercussions (Fussey & Coaffee, 2011). The Olympic Park constituted thousands of new homes, local jobs and a large low-cost training facility. Important wetlands were also rehabilitated for this purpose. Sustainable precursors are the Barcelona Olympics of 1992, in terms of urban development and increased tourist influx, and the Munich Olympics in 1972, where the Olympic Village was used to house low-income groups.

When London was awarded the Olympics in 2005, the expenditure was of 23 billion. The budget quadrupled to nearly 90 billion. The Audit Committee of the British Parliament that the budget is likely to consume roughly 100 billion, including support for reuse and ripple programs. Security costs alone are estimated at over 9 billion, while the opening and closing ceremonies will cost 760 million (Digby, 2012). "Investments in infrastructure are additional.

There are many who want to promote themselves on sustainability in connection with the events. ISO 20121, published as a standard shall advise the organizers and assure the public that the commitment to sustainability is real. The standard contains a number of tips relating to important issues such as choice of premises, management, supply chain, procurement, communications and transportation (Toohey, 2012). The international standard was first adopted during the Olympics in London this summer, but can just as easily bukes at smaller events. It is useful for everything from local markets, sporting events, exhibitions, conferences, festivals and concerts to "mega-events" such as the Olympics and World Cup.

Applying an international management system ISO 20121 enables managers, who want to act sustainable, able to document their actions in a transparent and credible manner, emphasizing the CEO of Standard Norway Trine Freedom Scientific. ISO 20121 affects all players contributing to an event (Andreu, ...
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