Analysis Of Police “use Of Force” Policy

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Analysis of Police “Use of Force” Policy


This paper discusses the policy of Use of Force by police. The paper includes the creation of policy with the reasons of its creation. The creation of policy involved several key factors, which the paper discusses in detail. Moreover, the disruptive aspects of the policy are also discussed, which cause death to the people in terms of using the technologies while investigating.

Analysis of Police “Use of Force” Policy


This paper discuses the “use of force” policy of policing. Police uses force for examining and encountering the vicious suspects. The work of police carries the involvement of use of force based on the extent or nature of violence. If the force is not used or is used improperly, the lives of civilians or even the police officers is at risk or taken. Using force at work carries immense significance pertaining to the way they use it. The officers have proper training, together with the proper and justified use of force; so that it may have positive effects on the society and the lives of people associated with it (Wittie, 2011).


“Use of Force” by Police

The US government has legitimized the use of force as the enforcement of a social order. It refers to the amount of effort used for compelling the observance by a reluctant person. The use of force by police has certain limitations to the basic physical and verbal restraint, lethal force, and less lethal force. In case the subjected person gets severely injured, police is assumed to provide medical aid to the injured ones, also notifying the family (National Institute of Justice).

The United States of America has allowed its Law enforcement officers to use force as they face certain situations. These officers get training to use force in an adequate manner at appropriate time. These officers are debt to secure the civilians and their society with the violent people and situations. Therefore, they are allowed to use froe as they face numerous scenarios that compel them to use force. For instance, arresting some brutal people, limiting disruptive opponents, or monitoring, and controlling a devastating situation are the few critical scenarios that make the police use force (Gallo, 2011).

Generally, the use of force requires the mentioned-hierarchy for its application, unless the situations do not demand the extensive use at once.

Creation of Police Policy

The concerned authorities had created the police policy of use of force in 1989, based on the “Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386” under the enactment of U.S. Supreme Court and Illinois Law. The police officers had badly treated a man, who was drunk; in-fact they had treated him deadly just on the behalf of a suspect. Therefore, his appeals in the Supreme Court mad the law of use of force allowed in reasonable amount only for appropriate reasons (WCT Law).

Key Factors involved in Policy Making

The policy making was for the betterment of civilians, suffering from unjust attitude of police officers toward their lives and living standards in the ...
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