Analysis Of Food Inc.

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Analysis of Food Inc.

Analysis of Food Inc.

Question No 1 Prior to watching Food Inc., where did you think food came from? How did you think food processing was regulated? How did the movie compare to what you thought previously?

Before watching movie my perception regarding the food processing in USA was very good, and I was thinking that food which comes to me, is processed in very hygiene manner. I was thinking that meat, and chicken were fed in a proper manner with no hormones in it, but later on when I watch the documentary Food Inc. it totally amazed and shocked me, my perception shifted and I start taking more vegetables. Before watching this documentary, I thought that meat and chicken comes to us is very good for health but later on it had changed because when I saw this documentary I came to know about the food processing and the use of hormones for increasing the size of animal and chicken just for the sake of profit. Film highlights the information about the food processing system and the dark outlook about our food system and other health related problems. It seems like that this documentary aims to increase awareness about the issues and motivate the community to look for the better solutions which can help them to make a change. Documentary has identified many eye opening facts and made sure that viewers left with some of the practical knowledge about the food processing units. It gives a ray of hope that solution still available to overcome the challenges. (Couric, K. 2010), Application of better solutions will help in developing a healthy community. It would be just like that fighting against the tobacco and smoking industry. As my comparison to my earlier thinking now, I am more aware about the processing ...
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