Analysis Of Career Assessment Instrument

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Analysis of Career Assessment Instrument

Analysis of Career Assessment Instrument

Reason behind the Selection of NEO PI-R

The NEO PI-R provides a comprehensive and detailed assessment of adult personality based on the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality. The FFM is taxonomy of personality traits in terms of five broad dimensions (the “BIG FIVE”): Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. It offers a conceptually useful framework for understanding the structure and systems of Axis II personality disorders (Zunker, V. G. (2012).

In only 35-45 minutes, the NEO PI-R provides a systematic assessment of emotional interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles. The NEO PI-R is validated against other personality inventories, as well as projective assessments.

The NEO PI-R one of the most prestigious instruments for assessment of normal personality. The structure of the "Big Five" personality factors set out in the NEO has become one of the most supported and used.

It consists of 240 items to which they respond on a Likert scale of five choices and allows evaluation of five major factors: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Kindness and Responsibility. Each factor is decomposed in six facets, allowing personality analysis thinner, obtaining 35 different scores. Includes current scales, varied and representative, with more than 12,000 cases, divided into three groups: general population, security forces and young adults (Gaughan, 2012).

Personality Assessment Model

NEO-PI-R: The NEO (Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness) to assess the personality dimension of a human being. In parallel, he developed the model of the Big Five, and influenced by these studies, they decided to see if other factors obtained could connect with those already evaluated the questionnaire. The results indicated that the three factors were equivalent to those evaluated by NEO therefore developed a questionnaire to assess the five dimensions (Bleidorn, 2009).

The NEO-PI (NEO-Personality Inventory) includes the dimensions of Agreeableness and Tenacity. It presents different assertions with which the subject has to show their level of agreement across scales of 5 points. Each dimension is measured through six scales, facets or traits.

The principles that have guided the development of these instruments have been:

Hierarchical structure: the features are ordered from the most general to the most specific.

Bases in the psychological literature: literature studied to identify the traits that had seemed important to personality theorists (linguistic tradition).

Construction rational scales: construct thought they wanted to measure and then wrote items that assessed. They assume that subjects can and will answer truthfully.

Psychometric requirements: the final selection of items was based on a mplio analysis and application of basic psychometric principles. Thus, for example, what items should weigh in one of the scales to avoid artificial correlations.

Valuing each of the dimensions and the characteristics of facets comprise of:

Factor I: Extraversion (E): The amount and intensity of interaction between people, the level of activity, the need for incentives and the ability to enjoy. It consists of: warmth (ability to link with others), gregariousness (preference for being in the company), thrill seeking (seek stimulation and excitement) and positive emotions (tendency to show optimism). (Tendency to dominate others),

Factor II Agreeableness (A): ...
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