Analysis Of A Group Or Family's Diversity Or Ethnicity

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Analysis of a Group or Family's Diversity or Ethnicity

Analysis of a Group or Family's Diversity or Ethnicity


Cerebral palsy is a physical disability which affects the movement and is caused due to group of disorders. This physical disability is permanent for the entire life and don't changes in severity with age, the prime reason of cerebral palsy is because of an injury to the child before birth upon the developing brain of the child.

The level of cerebral palsy can be varying as it can be a mild one which involves a slight disruption in the physical body causing slight hampering in daily movement or a higher degree disability affecting the movement and participation of the person in daily life activities. The global rate of cerebral palsy is 1 out of every 500 births in the world.


Origination of Cerebral Palsy

The origination of cerebral palsy is not credited to only one great mind but multiple great philanthropists are credited for identifying the disabilities concerned with cerebral palsy. Dr. William John Little was the first person to pioneer the diagnosis of cerebral palsy who himself was a victim of disability since childhood. Dr. William was prone to multiple illnesses like measles, mumps, and whooping cough along with polio which developed his interest in medicine.

In the late 1830s he had begun his work upon this topic although unnamed; his research of 1853 titled “On the Nature and Treatment of the deformities of the human Frame” established the base studies for cerebral palsy. His paper of 1861 further claimed the reasons of cerebral palsy where he defined abnormal forms of labor as the prime reason for damages upon child. His work was later defined as the type today known as spastic cerebral palsy, which occurs due to abnormal labors and a child suffocates in the womb in this case (Accardo, 1989).

Important Events

As defined the first major event was the work of Dr. Williams who defined spastic cerebral palsy as the first of forms and stated the reasons of abnormal labor works causing suffocation to the child. The immediate follower of Dr. William John Little was Sir William Osler who further elaborated the works of Dr. little and wrote his first book upon the disabilities of cerebral palsy. He is also credited for crowing this disability the name of cerebral palsy. The book written by Sir Osler was titled “The cerebral Palsies of Children.”

In his book he further elaborated various other forms of impairments of cerebral palsy. In his book he introduced various case studies not only defining the symptoms but also the major reasons behind cerebral palsy. His recommendations were to properly treat the patients for better life styles (Canale, 1989).

Another valuable personality who is credited for the research and origination of cerebral palsy is Dr. Sigmund Freud, who is also considered the father of psychoanalysis and was the one who briefed the idea that cerebral palsy can also result because of abnormal fetal development. Dr. Freud disagreed with the theories of ...
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