An Accident In Workplace

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An Accident in Workplace

An Accident in Workplace


There are usually many accidents and errors occurring in the workplace which causes injuries and health problems to the employees and workers working in the workplace. In a factory the heavy machinery usually causes injuries and damages such as getting burned, wounded by cutting machinery or chemicals causing breathing problems. Now it is the job of Human Resource department to organize a proper training for health and safety measures where workers can get trained for preventing injuries. The recently occurred accident in my workplace was the damage caused by a gaseous chemical that released a poisonous gas in the factory and injured more than 70 people (Magyar, 2006).


The gaseous chemical released due to lack of handling of the chemicals usage. The chemical is used in large quantity to make plastic. A proper handling must be carried out by transporting and handling the chemicals in safe transport containers. The training department must train the workers for how to prevent from such injuries and accidents (EASHW, 2001).

The organization must provide with safety helmets and uniforms so that on immediate cause of accidents, the worker can prevent from serious injuries. The gaseous chemical released from tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin caused the environment to be polluted, as this was a carcinogenic by-product of an uncontrolled exothermic reaction and its affect is very poisonous because it may cause breathing problems and kill a person instantly within few minutes. The affect of its contamination almost killed 100 people in the factory while injuring 70 people instantly (WIR, 2012).

The accident occurred early morning when new chemicals were getting stored in the warehouse and for usage when it was brought to the factory line, one of the worker by mistake dropped off 2 bottles of those gaseous chemicals that were the most contagious. This internal transport ...
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