Workplace Environment

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Workplace Environment

Workplace Environment

Factors Of Workplace Accident

No incident is preplanned, it just takes place, and this is known as accident. An accident is defined as an unplanned and uncontrolled event which has resulted into a physical injury or death; damage to plant, equipment or environment; or any other loss. All accidents have causes and effects. Causes can be generally controlled, they rely on the person in-charge of a task, or in other words, how well does he control/carries out a specific task without causing any accident whilst effects are result of luck i.e. if you escape uninjured during an accident you are lucky not harming yourself with an injury, the case may be vise versa if you are injured. Accidents usually occur because of human errors. These errors are generally classified into two categories (1) direct cause and (2) indirect cause. A direct cause is due to unintentional action which results into an accident while an indirect cause is simply negligence of safety standards, this may be faulty practices or designs which may vary from situation to situation. The practice of a safety program in the workplace should enable the business to create systems of communication to carry out the steps to take when a disaster strikes. According to Meadows; Moneymaker & Hong (2008), Well-designed and managed safety programs can pay dividends in reduced accident and the associated costs.

Risk at Workplace

Employers need to remember that workplace violence situations can create high liability risks. By establishing a properly written workplace violence policy, employers can help protect themselves from various forms of liability. One form of liability is in lost workdays. These days are lost due to domestic situations or workplace injuries stemming from violence. Absences from work can add up to substantial costs to employers. Employers can be sued by not providing ...
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