American Passages

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American Passages

American Passages

A. What type of education did young children receive in early 18th century? Who was afforded the right to attend colleges and what was the main focus of colleges and universities? Did these opportunities include females African Americans and Native Americans; why or why not.

During the 18th century the American Education has not always been, the United States, key national priorities and principles that have governed the educational system in general have evolved over the four centuries that separate us from the creation of colonies on the East Coast the continent. For early settlers, religion should be at the heart of the teachings while in the 1960s, the fight against racial segregation energies mobilized in some schools across the Atlantic. To understand the changes, the changes that have marked the history of American education, it seems essential to address the five chronological stages of this history. It must first emphasize the fundamentals, the basics of the education system, established during the colonial era and the start address of the American nation; highlight the changes arising from the period of "common schools" and before the Progressive Era to conclude the study of the last 80 years to detect mutations that have shaped American education today. The colonial period (around 1600 was 1776): Birth of education in the United States. The majority of the population of the 13 American colonies in the 17th century was composed of European immigrants who brought with them their cultures and traditions. Education was not a priority for them because they had to fight against the Indians and try to survive. One way for settlers to adapt to this new space was to recreate a familiar environment, mainly by placing the center of their community, their religious values ??that governed their attitudes and indirectly the ...
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