American High School Football & Injuries

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American High School Football & Injuries

American High School Football & Injuries


Football is one of the most popular sports game in American High Schools. The game requires a lot of energy along with intelligence. It is entertaining for players and audience both. Almost every high school in America has a football team. Football enjoys having a large pool of fans from all age groups. For a person to be a football player, he has to be strong and healthy. This sports demand physical fitness as well as stamina to run around the field during the entire game. That is the reason why coaches advise weight lifting & intensive running, so that they develop muscular strength and stamina. In recent years, there have been many injuries reported in High School football.

This essay presents an analysis of High School football injuries. The paper discusses an account on various injuries to establish the context for discussion.


American football is an outdoor game which means that players have to play in an open environment. Open environment refers to those football fields where each player is exposed to weather conditions. It is not like closed arenas where one can play ice hockey or table tennis. American football has evolved over time and today it incorporates extensive techniques for blocking and tackling. These elements of the game increase the risk for cervical injuries that can result in neurological problems. However, the rules of the game have been advanced to minimize the risk of such injuries. Injuries related to fracture and muscles are painful, but they usually fix over time. The fearful part of the injury is that when the damage becomes permanent.


Skull or brain is the most vital part of a human body. Footballers often experience blurry vision or head jolts. For years, people had considered them as part of the football game. With the increasing trend of brain injuries in High school football, the stakeholders have begun to ponder over the issue. High Schools are putting efforts and taking actions to fight the threat of brain injuries among the players (Trotta & Ingles, 2012). Players and coaches know that the condition of witnessing stars points to a serious brain injury, concussion. Concussion is an injury related to brain. The injury takes time to heal. Assistant principal of a high school explains that such traumatic conditions were normal to footballers and coaches a decade ago.

The athletic association of Ohio High School has framed rules to take away a player when he shows symptoms of concussions. The rules demand immediate provision of medical care to the affected player. Many American states have devised rules to prevent concussions in sports. The case of Zackery Lystedt shook millions of hearts back in 2006. The thirteen years old boy suffered a brain injury which could take his life. The boy survived with a lifetime disability. The analysts raised their voices against sending him back to the field in the other half of the game after he had suffered a concussion (Trotta & ...
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