American Government

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American Government

American Government

Identify three necessities of a constitutional democracy.

Majority role, power divided constitutionally, human rights

Discuss the conflicting beliefs of Thomas Jefferson regarding constitutional democracy and the appropriate role of the people.

Thomas Jefferson spent the years following the radical reform of institutions of Virginia: removal of substitution; abolition of primogeniture replaced by an equal division between children; religious freedom, abolition of official remuneration of the Church. It took a struggle of several years to gain acceptance in the Virginian aristocracy these principles, thereby Jefferson did prevail in the United States a spirit quite different from that of England and principled philosophical revolution was going to enact the French.

Define direct democracy and give two examples of forms of direct democracy

The term refers to both a method of direct democracy as a political system in which the voting population voting ("the people") directly on political issues. The two example of direct democracy is referendum and the initiative process

Explain the difference between majority rule and plurality rule

First principle of majority rule - a source of power is a nation that empowered to decide and resolve the issues most important to the state (indirect governance, selecting the parliament, president, etc., direct-participation in the referendum, or by using the veto power and the people's initiative). In a democracy it is possible to the right to civil disobedience.

Second principle of pluralism - realized in the political, social, ideological and economic. Political pluralism lies in the fact that in a country it is possible for multiple parties and other political organizations that are independent of the government or from each other. They can create programs and organizational structure, have different ideological identity. They can also compete freely with each other (within the law and established rules) with the support of voters, through which some of them will rule the state, while others will create opposition or seek to influence the policy of the state (Conant, 2009).

Explain what is meant by representative democracy

In a representative democracy, political decisions on the merits as opposed to be direct democracy does not directly by the people themselves, but by representatives of the people made. The people's representatives elected and make their own decisions. Since the parliament a mostly parliament called the system often also parliamentary democracy.

Define statism and give an example

Statism is a buzzword, with a political opinion known to the State concedes is of paramount importance in the economic and social life and usually with a centralized national state of opinions is. The expression can specific positions in the business plan described in which state control is advantageous only in foremost industries, as well as entitle a State solely in the interest set way of thinking.

Define theocracy and explain its connection to freedom of religion

Theocracy is a form of rule in which the state power alone religious legitimacy and one (in view of supporters of the state religion) divinely chosen person (God-appointed Prophet, God-gifted king, ...
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