American Culture

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American Culture


Every nation has some unique characteristics that highly impact its international relationships with other countries. Similarly, there are certain unique traits of American culture that impacts on its relationship with Mexico. This research paper is focused on describing three of the unique characteristics of American culture and how these characteristics impact U.S. Mexico relations.

American Culture

America-Mexico Relationship

The relationship between Mexico and the United States of America is important and complex as well. Both countries share a two thousand mile border, and the relationship of these two countries has a straight influence on the lives and livelihood of thousands of American citizens. Whether the problem is about reforms of trading and economics, controlling drugs, immigration, homeland security, or the environmental aspects, their relation impacts it all (Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, 2012). The Mexico and America are partners in the agreement of North American Free Trade (NAFTA) and facilitate broad and expanding trade with each other. In order to improve North American competitiveness, the United States and Mexico, along with Canada, cooperate with each other, through which they also make sure that their citizens are secure and encourage hygienic energy and a vigorous environment. Both of them also collaborate on hemispheric and international confronts, like supervising transborder infectious disease and looking for better incorporation to face confronts of transnational planned crimes (Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, 2012). Thus, Mexico and U.S. share strong relationships with each other that greatly impact several aspects of both economies.

American Culture Characteristics

Every culture have its unique characteristics, however, there are so many aspects of one culture that sometimes it become difficult to describe its specific culture characteristics. It is well-known that most of the American people are either immigrants themselves or descendants of immigrants. Therefore, it is also evident that America comprises of various cultures and ethnic groups. However, the white middle class people's behaviors, ideas, and values are often referred when one talks about Americans, as this group has held the most important positions and has exerted the greatest amount of influence on the predominant ideals of society since decades (Cornell University, 2012). Thus, there are several different cultural characteristics are prevailing in America, however, the some of the unique characteristics of American culture that impacts our relation with Mexico are described below.

Unique Characteristics of American Culture and its Impact on U.S.-Mexico Relationship

Control of Nature and Environment

Controlling natural and environmental aspects are one of the most highlighted characteristics of Americans. They typically assume nature as something that can be altered, controlled, and conquered in order to provide comfort to people and also make it used by them. Whereas, many other cultures accept the environment as a force greater than people and as something to which people may adapt, not something they should control or change, especially the developing or underdeveloped countries (Cornell University, 2012). Thus, this characteristic of American culture is really unique, and it also impacts the U.S.-Mexico relation through several manners. The research clearly shows several initiatives that are taken by ...
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