America In 1960s

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America in 1960s

America in 1960s


The decade of 1960s was a decade of liberty for the public opinion, invention, dance, music and the fix of racism. From this many great and famous musical artists been spawned of the all-time (Porter, 2001). It is by 1960 from where collective national cultural values emerged and which endangered traditional separation of lifestyles. I found five things in capsule while digging the site for further exploration of the old civilization and life style. These five things are a Letter from Senator, Recorder song (Cassette or tap), a Diary, a Book on Values and culture during 1960s in America, Portrait of Woman with Flower Hat. A Letter

The Senator Joseph McCarthy had written a letter to the President of United States. McCarthy was a Republic representative of Wisconsin. This letter was written after three days of wheeling speech made by McCarthy. This speech indicated the influence of McCarthy because he got great attention from the public for producing a paper in which he had mentioned and listed the names of those members of US State Department who are secretly involved in Communist party. Joseph McCarthy at the time of this note or letter was starting to develop national concern regarding Communist penetration during the cold war.

The fear of this penetration strengthens by the coming communist invasion of china and by the Soviet Union new development of the atomic bombs. However, McCarthy at that time was not at peak , but as senator here he first encouraged the president in order to consign and handover more resources to the war that was fought in Korea, and secondly that he asked and questioned the president Truman about (Loyalty program) legitimacy and about program effectiveness, which was signed and put into effect by Executive order. This agenda made FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) obligatory in order to jog on almost everyone in the U.S government and afterward to launch an inquiry into employees of the government with what possibly will be supposed as disputed and questionable in political associations.

Senator McCarthy was not satisfied by the Loyalty program of the president, and suspected that many employers has sided through the inquiry and are in the State Department. President Truman cleared the point that President would not take accusations of McCarthy and that the Senator is the great asset for the Kremlin. In letter McCarthy wrote that American Boys were lying lifeless and dead in the sludge of Korean valley, from which some have their faces shot away and hands tied behind their backside. He wrote that last year congress given money to reinforce South Korea and assist anti-communist forces.

Mr. President in public avowed that the problem is to fall Korea without having it come into view that we pushed her to her trouble. This isn't sound improper as at this time Mr. Acheson could speed up $60million order from communist Poland for guns and bullets, but instead he did the reverse in Korea for anti-communist ...
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