The Civil Rights Movements During 1960s

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The Civil Rights Movements During 1960s

The Civil Rights Movements During 1960s

Movement and the escalating war in Vietnam were the two main catalysts for social protest in the sixties. Since the end of the civil war? many organizations have been created to promote the goals of justice and racial equality in America? but progress is extremely slow. It was not until the sixties? a hundred years that efforts are beginning to get the care they need to force a minimum of change. (Kryn? 1989) There is little consensus on how to promote equality at the national level groups that the NAACP? CORE? and Dr. Martin Luther King of the CEP? endorsed peaceful methods and believed change could be affected by the work around system in place? other groups such as the Black Panthers? the Nation of Islam and the Black Nationalist Movement advocated violence and reprisals by separation of the races. There have been numerous marches? rallies? strikes? riots and violent clashes with police. National leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X was assassinated? violence cost the lives of young and old? white jury rigged mocked justice in cases of crimes committed by whites against African Americans. (Kryn? 1989) Restaurants? hotels? nightclubs? public facilities and school systems remain segregated in the early sixties? and education and employment opportunities for minorities are considerably lower than those available in the white majority. The African American community? being in the minority? depended on the support of the white population? at least in terms of sentiment? those caught in the spirit of the hippie movement was the cause of racial justice and equality heart? and often the street. (Kryn? 1989)

Malcolm X began his true education in the prison library when it was time for the flight. ...
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