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Research Papers on Pharmacology

The field of Pharmacology is based on authentic research and development in order to assess how different drugs react and interact with each other. Researchomatic provides to its users a whole section dedicated to Pharmacology research papers. The research papers on Pharmacology not only focus on the therapeutic potential of a drug but also focus on subdivisions such as Neuropharmacology, endocrine pharmacology and chemotherapy etc.

Prescription Medication Addiction
Prescription Medication Addiction Introduction1 Addiction1 Types of Addiction1 Prescription Medication Addiction2 Thesis Statement2 Discussion2 Common Addiction Causing Drugs2 Stimulants2 CNS Depressants3 Opioids3 Consequences of Prescription Medication Addiction3 Stimulants3 CNS Depressants4 Opioids4 Recommendations4 Conclusion5 References7 Prescription Medication Addiction Introduction The prescription medication addiction has become the trend in the United States. According to the survey report of National survey on Drug Use and Health (2010), about 2.4 million residents of the ...
Antibiotics Antibiotics Introduction Antibiotics are medications that are used to treat different diseases. They are one of the most widely prescribed medications and are also known as antibacterial. The word antibiotic is Greek in origin, where “anti” refers to against while “biotic” refers to life. Thus, these medical agents are responsible to inhibit ...
Drug Analysis
Drug Analysis Drug Analysis Psychological and Physical Effects Psychological Effects On psychological level, low doses of alcohol produces the sensation of elevating mood and relax the person. Physically, a little alcohol increases heart rate, dilates blood vessels, irritates the gastrointestinal system, and stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and urine output. Heavy doses ...
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