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Research Papers on Healthcare

Healthcare relates to the efficient and timely provision of medical services in order to improve the physical and mental health of an individual. Researchomatic provides to its users a collection of healthcare research papers which can aid students in getting research ideas. These healthcare research papers can also help healthcare workers to stay up-to-date with the latest literature and researches in the field.

Non-Nursing Theory Assessment
NON-NURSING THEORY ASSESSMENT Non-Nursing Theory Assessment Non-Nursing Theory Assessment Introduction Today, as in the past, the importance of knowledge development, utilization and application of nursing theory to practice, and related epistemological concerns are broadly discussed amidst academicians and addressed in the nursing literature. Beyond the philosophical and ontological contentions about a nursing specific ...
Smokeless Tobacco
SMOKELESS TOBACCO Systematic Heath Affects Associated with Smokeless Tobacco Systematic Heath Affects Associated with Smokeless Tobacco Introduction Smokeless tobacco includes chewing tobacco, snuff, plug, twist, snug and dissolvable tobacco products. However, it causes local lesions, oral and nasal pharyngeal (gingivitis, periodontal disease, cancer). Effects of Smokeless Tobacco on Health Many body and organs systems ...
Healthcare Associated Infections
Healthcare Associated Infections Healthcare Associated Infections Introduction Noteworthy economic consequences are caused by healthcare associated infections on the healthcare system of nation. They are the reason for critical morbidity and mortality. Acknowledgment of the economic burden due to increasing cost associated with it has lead to the adaptation of new initiatives to advocate ...
Should Changes Be Made To Regulations For Mental Health Drugs For Minors?
Should Changes Be Made To Regulations for Mental Health Drugs For Minors? Should Changes Be Made To Regulations for Mental Health Drugs For Minors? Introduction Today, more and more children are getting mental disorders. It is affecting every other child. Several mental disorders go unnoticed and so the number of mentally ill children ...
Muscle Mechanics
Muscle Mechanics Muscle Mechanics and Patho-mechanics in lower back pain Muscle Mechanics and Pathomechanics The muscles are the active part of the human motor system. Skeletal muscles are characterized by transverse striations. Their action is dependent on the will of man. Muscles (mainly skeletal) represent about 40% of body weight. There are gender ...
Health Care
HEALTH CARE Health Care Health Care Importance of Health Care (Personal and Societal Perspective) Health care is a curative or preventive ways which are given to people or individual in a given society and usually government agencies make effort in giving the best health care for those people under their territory. This is essential ...
Medicare Marginal Analysis
Medicare Marginal Analysis Medicare Marginal Analysis Executive Summary Most proposed solutions to control health costs such as price regulation, capitation and managed care, not directed towards the technical efficiency from the perspective of the hospital. The concept of fixed and variable costs has important implications for controlling costs of health care. Relatively low ...
Wilcox Cultural Competency Training
WILCOX CULTURAL COMPETENCY TRAINING Cultural Competency Training for Medical Professional in a Diverse Health Care System: Taking a closer look at Indiana Table of Contents Introduction3 Background4 Aim of the Study5 Methodology6 IRB7 Review of the Literature10 Population Growth17 Review of Policies18 Indiana Hospital Service Areas and Population Density26 Survey27 Demographics27 Rating Average of Survey29 Limitation32 Recommendations32 Summary33 References34 Cultural Competency Training for Medical Professional in a Diverse Health ...
Universal Healthcare
Universal Healthcare The main principle of Democrat President Barack Obama's Universal Healthcare Plan is quite simple: extend healthcare even to those Americans who are too poor to afford it. While this is a very noble cause, Republicans argue that this is something that the United States, given the miserly state ...
Research An Early Child Development name Of The Course
Research an early child development [Name of the Course] [Date Due] Early childhood development Introduction One of the distinct phases of human life is the child hood. Development is the pattern of socio emotional, cognitive and biological changes that usually begins at conception and it continues throughout the life span. Most developments involve the growth ...
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