Alternative & Complimentary Therapies

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Alternative & Complimentary Therapies

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Alternative & Complimentary Therapies


In the context of the contemporary global health care environment, there have been substantial changes. The advancements in the field of medicine and treatment therapies have now allowed the healthcare professionals to be able to provide better services for the patients. The demands put forth by the general population in the health care industry has also enhanced significantly. Although the latest developments and the finding in the industry are generally applied in a comprehensive perspective, however certain patients still demand more personalized level of health care functions. The individuals require a more innovative and creative medical solutions to the dilemmas, so that the best treatment plan can be developed. In this scenario the healthcare society can no longer play a reactive role and provide the standardized level of services for the patients. The health care professionals have to ensure that they are able to research the latest findings while using the technological factors. Including the technology factor in the treatment process is also a challenge for the contemporary health care professional. However these individuals have to ensure that they are able to utilize the available resources and develop a comprehensive health care plan for the general public.

It is due to this reason that the article on the impact of different beliefs in the administration of complementary and alternative therapy has been critically analyzed for this paper. The article critically analyses the role of the human beliefs in the choice for the relevant treatment plan that they choose for themselves. In terms of the medical relevance the alternative and complimentary therapies have certain nonscientific attributes, which are more concerned with the beliefs and the attitudes of the patients. Hence the article seeks to analyze the role of these personal factors on the choice of complimentary and therapies by the American population.


Research Article Critical Analysis

In the article the primary objective is stated as the accurate measurement for the treatment choice of the American patients regarding the use of alternative and complimentary treatments. The alternative treatments are not backed by the adequate scientific data, and in the traditional perspective the health care community would not focus on these medical practices. The majority of these tasks in the past have been performed by nonprofessionals who had a non-medical perspective. However in the context of the contemporary global healthcare environment the situation has changed ...
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