Alkaline Water

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Alkaline Water: The Product Which We Have Taken Product

Alkaline Water the Product Which We Have Taken Product


In the context of current report writing, my responsibilities being the group leader, includes different tasks such as to ensure the coordination between members of the group and completion of the specified task on given time. This report writing gives me the opportunity to learn and develop my time management skills as well as target completion with in specified time. I have researched for the report in the form of data collection, data organizing, task allocation, division of work as well as data filtering and I have learned experience of present the data finding in the professional approach and how to coordinate among group members and divide the work accordingly between them depending on the capabilities of every members.

Product that we have selected is alkaline water product, in which alkaline water is defined as the liquid which is neither acidic nor neutral on the pH scale. It is present on the alkaline side of the scale. Some believe the benefits of alkaline water are nearly beyond measure that it is very important for consistent and continued health. Alkaline water is also known as ionized water because it possesses an approximate pH equivalent to 8, as it relies upon the brand or the tool utilized to alkalize the water. The water which is used regularly for the general purposes of the normal water contains a neutral pH; this amount of pH can be measured at 7 on the scale. Water, depending on its basis, also has the potential to be slightly acidic. Alkaline water is said to be of benefit to people's health because it helps neutralize the chemical imbalances of the body, which some believe tend to run too acidic. Further, proponents note that many common foods are also acidic, further upsetting the balance. It is claimed to aid in the treatment of asthma, help hydrate better between cells, help heartburn, and reduce indigestion and aid with many other ailments. (Hricova, 2008, 17)

There are a number of reasons why the health benefits of ionized water may be overstated, according to certain scientists. Some chemists say water is not conductive enough to go through any significant ionization. The slogan of our product is “Alkaline Water will help you to live a better life”. The name of our product is “ALKALYNE”.

Product Description

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