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Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor earth two masters. ~ Alexander the Great

History is full of influential figures that have left their mark on the world. These personalities have a rich and fascinating history that is interesting to all. One such powerful figure from history is Alexander the Third. He is more popularly known as Alexander the Great. He was a Greek king of Macedonia. However, this is not his mark on history. He is known to be one of the triumphant military commanders in the ancient history. This reputation of Alexander the Great has survived to this day. The exploits of the king are taught in history courses all over the world (Bosworth, 121).

History - Alexander the Great Timeline

Alexander was an extraordinary leader with a rare blend of bravery, intellect, imagination and kindness. The following timeline is a brief overview of the times and life of Alexander the Great. Major events from his birth to death are touched upon.

356 BCE: Birth and Childhood

Alexander was born at Pella, Macedonia. His father was the King Philip II. King Philip II is a well known figure in history. He is known for his military prowess. History records another of his achievement. This was unification of the Macedonian empire. He created one of the most powerful armies in the ancient world. Many histories record that Aristotle taught Alexander for about three years. Many experts agree that this was one of the most influential events of Alexander's life. Alexander received the finest education in military and politics from his father, King Philip of Macedonia. This enabled Alexander to learn from one of the finest military strategist and political leaders of his times. All experts agree that Alexander considered his father a perfect role model. This attachment continued to his dying breath. However, new research has shown that Alexander was also greatly impressed by the Classical Hero, Achilles (Narain, 358). Recent translations of Greek and early Roman texts have revealed that the copy of Iliad that Alexander received from Aristotle was annotated by the great sage himself. This copy was greatly valued by Alexander, who carried it everywhere. Alexander the Great was appointed regent for the entire kingdom of Macedonia when King Philip went to war with Persians. He was only sixteen at that time. During his time as the regent, Alexander quelled an uprising in Thrace. Many experts have suggested that Alexander didn't had many friends. His closest friend was his companion, and childhood friend, Hephaestion, Hephaestion was later promoted to the rank of cavalry commander in the Royal Macedonian Army.

338 BCE: Battle of Chaeronea

Battle of Chaeronea was the first time, Alexander was given command in battle. He was only eighteen at the time. He was put in charge of the left wing of the army. The battle was fought between the Macedonian Army led by King Philip and the Greek army led mainly by the cities of Athens and Thebes. The battle resulted in decisive victory for the Macedonian ...
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