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This study will explore the social and economic factors that might affect alcoholism. There is no question of doubt that the economics play a very vital and prominent role in the life of an individual. It might not be possible for an individual to separate his life from economics. Living in a society, a man has to live in compliance with the social norms and sanctions. The social and economical factors over all affect the living of a individual or a group of individual in a society. Alcoholism at times is voluntarily and at times is stressed. Some people consume alcohol as it is part of their social status and some do it because of peer pressure. Some people consume alcohol for personal reasons and some consume it in happiness or casually. Above all the difference in price of alcohol effects the consumption o fit. People who may be able to afford expensive alcohol may be able to buy expensive drinks and rest prefers to stay on local brands. There are a number of countries that allow the consumption of alcohol and there are countries where alcohol is strictly banned. This variation in the society effects the consumption of alcohol to a great extent.

Research Question

The purpose to conduct this research is to find out if the social and economic factors really affect the alcoholism or not. The research questions are as follows.

Does socio-economic status affect alcoholism?

What are the factors that Impact on people induldged with alcoholism?


The variables that will be considered for the research are as follows

Alcohol consumtion: it will act as a direct variable

Crimes: it is the indirect variable which will rise due to indulging in alcholism

Socio Economic Impact: it it's the intervening variable

Each on have some direct and indirect variable that is in relation with the research topic.

Definitions And Key Concepts

Alcohol: A drug which takes away the consciousness of a person

Crimes: any act that termed to be listed under illegal activities

Addiction: Addiction is continued involvement with a substance or activity despite ongoing negative consequences. The concept of addiction whether to alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, or sexual behavior is widely misunderstood. Although there is room for debate about the levels of addiction caused by different substances, and perhaps about the rights of people to use addictive substances, there is no debate about what constitutes addiction.


Alcohol consumption bears many stereotypes related to income and status. When we picture lower-income people drinking, we think of dark, drab bars or a man staggering down the street with a bottle in a paper bag, just as we've seen in movies. When we picture wealthier people drinking, different pictures come to mind. We might visualize a well-dressed group of young people enjoying wine at a vineyard bistro or toasting with champagne at a party. A recent study examined whether there is any actual connection between socioeconomic status and drinking patterns. The objective of the study was to not only identify the relationship between socioeconomic status and drinking patterns but to provide information so ...
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