Alcohol Abuse

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Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse


Alcohol abuse is the concept of using alcoholic drinks despite of knowing the negative aspects. This term is also referred to as alcoholism and the habit of alcohol consumption leads to various problems in people. The paper is related to alcohol abuse in contrast with the economical perspectives. The appropriate solutions for this problem, the economic thoughts, and their impact are all presented in the paper. The paper has also highlighted some market analysis with the economical perspective.

Alcohol Abuse - Economical Perspective

The economical perspective related to alcohol abuse will consider the human beings as a rational agent. In this context, the relation of this factor will be analyzed with the variables like “cost” and benefit”. The best strategy as an economist can be to increase the price of alcohol, which can be done by adding taxes. This will indirectly reduce the availability of alcohol for the people. The economic issues that come into occurrence due to alcohol abuse directly damage the nation as it affects the health, affects the families, the community, and leads to damage various other aspects in the society (Clarke, 2008). Alcohol abuse can lead to various costs like costs of alcohol consumption, health related costs, treatments for people suffering with alcohol abuse, and ultimately death costs.

Solutions to Alcohol Abuse

The best possible solution for alcohol abuse is to increase the cost of alcohol beverages by adding the taxes; this will ultimately reduce the availability of alcohol affecting the affordability factor as well for many alcohol consumers. The other strategy that is effective from an economic perspective is to reduce the cost of treatments, related to alcohol abuse. It can help in brining the consumers or addicts out of this state.

Economic Way of Thinking

Economics is all about human actions and how they respond and act to different scenarios and actions occurred in the society. According to many perspectives, economics is all about financial market and stability. It is a viewpoint on human decisions and social activities. This point of view is very practical when working to explain the functioning of the mainly impersonal system of transactions that we call the marketplace or simply the economy.

The first way is the market forces that determine the prices and factors that lead to the consumption of alcohol in the society, the supply and demand perspective. The rational way or behavior can be the second economical ...
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