Aging People's Health

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Economic Perspective on Aging People's Health

Contemporary Healthcare Issue


The essay focuses on the aging people's health issue and the longevity that prevents aging of people since 1990. The report summarises the health benefits of people and its long term effets with an economic perspective. In Britain aging community because of a combination of downward turn in fertility and increased longevity. This situation will become more assessment within the first three decades of this year, when after the second world conflict of the child growing generation will be retiring.


But a strong force in this change is reduced fertility. In life, so do the "baby bust" the 1970's and 1980's birthrate dropped below replacement levels in most developed countries. This level of fertility in the UK about 1.7 per woman, but wants to be 2,1 to restore the existing community (Effros, 7).

In the myth, it is assumed that current trends will continue, therefore to blame for the delivery of a greater number of older people will fall into several weakening of the working population to those who will be a burden, and it is assumed that the solution is immigration (Hedden, 92). Pessimists use arbitrary retirement age. British society, tend to take the government retirement benefits or retirement age, the separation line between the hard-working adulthood and old age, but when pensions were first introduced in the UK retirement age was 70 years old (Johnson, 26).

Compress the work into fewer years longer, do not fit in the expansion of longevity, and there were a number of authoritative calls on the assembly and the actuarial profession in respect of early retirement (Mitchell, 538). They believe that the present retirement age is equal to the age at which elderly people become a burden. Commentators have taken the ratio of the 64-year-olds ...
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