Aging & Obesity

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Aging & Obesity

Aging & Obesity

The similar characteristics between overweight and obese people often cause misinterpretation of their definitions. According to the Weight-Control Information Network (NIDDK), being overweight means having extra body mass as compared to defined weight standards while obesity refers to having an abnormally high ratio of fat to muscle. Mathematically, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) classifies obesity by using the Body Mass Index (BMI) chart, which calculates the ratio of weight (kg) over height squared (m2). For example, a person is overweight if the ratio is from 25 to 29.9 kg/m2 and obese if the ratio reaches 30 or greater (NIDDK).

Centuries ago, people considered being overweighted attractive because it represented wealth and a good state of health. In contrast, Americans find being obese unattractive and being slim and fit appealing; this causes numerous diet and weight-loss programs to develop. Although Americans still focus more on appearance, they now recognize obesity as a health hazard with significant consequences. The NIDDK states, "280,000 adults' deaths in the United States each year are attributable to obesity." Even though obesity causes health problems, it promotes the economy by stimulating the growth of the diet industry.

Americans become obese primarily because of the extra intake of calories and doing little or no exercise. Overtime, the unused energy is stored as fat that lead to excessive weight gain. The stress and tension from modern lifestyles can also cause some individuals to develop eating disorders. In addition, most people tend to view slim and fit bodies as a fashionable preference; therefore, obesity becomes a more serious mental health problem.

Undeveloped countries typically have deadly diseases because most people are not well fed. America, however, has an abundant food supply from fresh groceries in supermarkets to well-prepared dinners in famous restaurants, but many Americans have to suffer from obesity. With a limited amount of time or money, a customer can choose to enjoy a quick-fix meal from any fast food chain store. Because restaurants and fast food stores are ubiquitous, supplying food becomes more convenient and consumers have a tendency to overeat. With lack of general knowledge about diet and health and having no time to prepare a meal, most Americans cannot resist those tasty, inexpensive meals. Thus, some of them become obese, especially if they do not exercise regularly.

In the recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), experts say, "Physical activity contributes to weight loss, especially when it is combined with calorie reduction." 40% of the adults in the United States do not exercise properly and less than 1/3 can obtain 30 minutes of exercises per day while another study from Dr. Alice Lichtenstein at Tufts University in Boston reflects that a person should have approximately one hour of physical activity after each meal (Overton).

The body's ability to adjust food intake to body needs can be disturbed by numerous factors. Of these, hormone imbalances and glandular defects are believed to be of least importance, being demonstrable in only bout 5 percent ...
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