Aging: A Universal Social Problem

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Aging: A Universal Social Problem

Aging: A Universal Social Problem


The world has been changing quite rapidly in the recent era. Moreover, with this changing environment, a number of changes have also been noticed in the human societies. One such problem goes by the name of Aging in the population. This problem refers to the increase of aged people in the average age rate of any nation due to growing life expectancy or falling birth rate (Bloom, Canning & Finlay, 2010). Aging is one such problem which causes a wide range of problems for many communities and societies of the world.

Looking at the huge number of problems created by the aging problems within the population; the government and non-government agencies strive to work for resolving such problems within the society. In order to better understand about the aging problem and how it impacts the society; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors and associated solutions is required.


Societal Problems

The society is full of people and a number of factors are continuously at work with reference to affecting the society. Moreover, where such a multitude of factors and people meet together; a number of problems arise as well. One such problem is the aging problem which has been noticed as a fairly highlighted problem in the last few decades. People are getting older and problems such as generation gaps, employment problems, cultural differentiation and futuristic concerns are rising.

Reasons for Aging Problems

Aging Problems take place in a nation due to multiple reasons. The most common and worth highlighting among these would include:

Natural Phenomenon

In many societies of the world, aging problems have taken place merely because of natural reasons. The most common among these natural reasons include the following:

Natural Disasters etcetera which result in the destruction of entire generations from the face of earth.

Natural diseases such as plague or incompetency etcetera which greatly reduce the birth of the next generation (Anderson & Hussey, 2000).

Designing of Social Regulations

In many of the societies of the world, people themselves make different laws and regulations for bringing a stoppage to the birth rate. In countries such as China where population rise has been identified as a problem; the government and society itself decides to put a stoppage to the birth of new children.

In China, a policy by the name of One Child Policy is implemented which gives every couple the opportunity to have only one child (Rosenberg, 2011). Moreover, due to such problems, the old people are increasing by leaps and bounds in comparison to the new-born. This is also giving a boost to the aging problems within the society.

Problems caused by the Aging Problems

Aging within society causes a lot of problems. These problems are not only societal, but also financial, mental and economical in nature. The most common problems relative to the aging problems include the following:

Societal Problems relative to Aging

Society is affected on an immense level due to problems relative to aging of population. The most commonly known societal problems include the following:

Cultural Diversification and Generation Gaps resulting ...
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