African American Religious Experience In America

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African American religious experience in America


This book African American religious experience in America is written by Anthony B pinn. According to it the author has discussed the historical traditions in the formation of the religion of humanism Black. Some examples of black include the tales story spiritual and political form of discoursed which is based on his work. The consideration of African American religious expressions is limited to the considerations which are based on the Black Churches.

As far as the overview of the chapter is concerned so it is throws light on various African American religious communities which are American based. Anthony Pinn in each chapter of his book has introduced the specific traditions which are unique and are being experienced by African Americans. The spiritual churches also began to emerge during the period of expansion and diversification. Pinn has also explained a critical effectiveness of God in the stories such as Brer Rabbit, Count of Riggin, and Slavic folklore that portrays God as low comedy and music and blues and rap seeking worldly solutions and reject theistic religion (Meier, 101-116).

Pinn also relates to humanism among African-American struggles in the American Communists and civil rights of the 20th century. These include the following as Richard Wright Black and Pinn cites the rejection of Wright novel, in 1940 the son of native novel solutions religion to the complexity and absurdity of life that promotes an embrace of suffering, which reinforces the meaninglessness rather than the end of life it.

In this chapter the author has told about the black spiritual churches as he has told about the diversity of the churches hence it is difficult to distinguish the theological assumptions from the exterior of the church. The spiritual churches emerged in the African American community period also known as the period of diversification. Pinn has given historical significance to the historical legitimacy of Black humanism. Spiritual churches are basically associated with white congregations (Kolchin, 78-79). Pinn has also considered non Christian theological sources which include Orisha, Voodo devotion, the Nations in Islam, Santeria and black humanism.

This has broadened the understanding of the African American sources. . Pynn also believes criticism of the effectiveness of God in the Riggin Earl's "Brer Rabbit" stories, slave folklore, which portrays God as weak and ridiculous, and blues and rap music, which seek worldly solutions and reject theistic religion. Pynn also relates to humanism among African Americans in the American communist and civil rights struggle of the 20th century. Pinn has also discussed that Blsck church has a incredible potential to solve issues of social justice which are affecting the African Americans. Pinn has mentioned the non Christian sources of theology, which focuses on the history and theology of the African American church (Lemann, 70-76.)

Tradition of spirituals and the community consist of African slaves in the United States. This provides an early study of Black and also questions to the sufferings of slaves. The author has also cited the quotes of Daniel Payne who ...
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