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Analysis of Advertising Article


In business success derives itself from the presentation of your business, or products, to the eyes of the consumer. Advertising is used to promote goods, services, images, and anything else that advertisers want to publicize. It is becoming a major part of mass media (Hall, 1981, 226-43). At times we may view it positively; at other times we may just skip or ignore it. In order to attract audience, advertisers use various techniques on their advertisement to make people aware of the firm's products, services or brands. Although the methods used by advertisers are infinitely, they have a common goal to persuade those who may become their customers to buy their products. An excellent advertisement will create a deep impression on its potential customers through particular techniques (Pullum, 2001, p.367).


Glancing through a magazine, one is overwhelmed with the amount of product advertisements or services they are encountered with. If you're like me, you don't pay attention to the majority of the ads, but to the few that presents a special feature that catches your eyes and indulges you into them. These ads are the ones that touch you in a special way. Nonetheless these ads persuade the consumer to open their imagination and dream of the brighter things in life. The impression of is left embedded in their mind and will always come up when they see something similar in the future.

Comparing the two ads, which I have selected, both of which are promoting blood analyzers, I find different contrasting techniques and schemes that were used. First of all, these ads were pulled from a magazine called DVM (Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine) NEWSMAGAZINE, which is only available to practicing or retired veterinarians, this is extremely important to know when you know who will be viewing the ad ahead of time (Hall, 1981, 226-43).

The ad presented by the Abaxis company, showing the “VetScan” machine displays a sense of relaxation when viewing the ad. The contrast and clash of the yellow/black/red colors blend and flow very well and seem to be soothing. Individually the colors represent something different, the red represents blood, the yellow represents easiness, and finally the black represents durability with its dark and sound tone showing toughness. Furthermore, the dogs along side the machine give the consumer the sense of dependability, hence “The Patients' Choice (Pullum, 2001 , p.367).”        

Continuing down the ad, some key information ...
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