Advanced Directives

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Research Design2

Overview of the Study- Prerequisites & Past Researches3

Experimental Research- Selected Research Methodology4


Selection of Human Participants5

Sample Size & Demographics of Participants5

Independent Variable(s)6

Dependent Variable(s)6

Research Question7

Chosen Medical Facilities in Research7

Research Instruments Used7

MOLST- Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment8


Review of Literature for the Study9

Major Issues in Research10

Time Frame of the Research10

Ethical Considerations & Credibility of Research10

Limitations to the Research Design11

Protection of Human Participants12




In this section, we would discuss the chosen methodology for our research. We intended to find “the major hindrances in providing quality healthcare in the presence of advanced directives”. The following section would include relevant information on the chosen methodology, selection of participants, research instruments used, interpretation of survey results, ethical dilemmas and measures taken to enhance the credibility of the research. By discussing the issues involved in the research and the ethical dilemmas involved in the present study; a better understanding and framework could be developed for future researchers in studying the impact of advanced directives.

The basic rationale behind implying a qualitative research design in our study was because our research premise was quite specific. We intended to study the “hindrances in providing quality healthcare in the presence of advanced directives”. Our quantitative analysis entailed a thorough investigation on the topic. A vast number of credible studies were discussed and analyzed to draw inferences on our research question. Relevant past studies and research statistics on advanced directives and issues in healthcare were discussed. Our reliance on a quantitative method allowed us to broaden our research horizons and to enhance our awareness on relevant issues as well. This section would include a thorough analysis of the research methodology applied in the research and the selection of dependent and independent variables in answering our research question.

In order to get an overview on the performance of advanced directives with respect to home patients in United States; the chart below presents the performance of advanced directives between the period of 2004-2007.

Research Design

Mahoney & Goertz (2006) described quantitative research as “understanding the issue and applying the existing knowledge on a particular subject in real life settings. Most quantitative analyses entail a hermeneutic approach” (Mahoney & Goertz, 2006). On the other hand, a qualitative approach is useful in developing research questions and allows the researcher to focus on the core of the research. The intent of the study was to highlight the issues in providing healthcare in the presence of advanced directives. A quantitative research is regarded as the best approach for gathering credible data based on experimentation and extensive study of participants (Allison, 2005). Based on the views of the researcher, a profound knowledge base can be acquired by reviewing the experimenter's inferences and narratives.

A vast number of research designs and methods are applied in clinical practice. In the field of medical sciences, qualitative data sets are often used to make inferences. When interviews are involved; often the obtained data is quantitative in nature. Such data sets require a continuity and ...
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