Adult And Vocational Education

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Adult and Vocational Education

Adult and Vocational Education


The purpose behind this assignment is to understand the existing contemporary issues within the Technical, vocational education and training. The contemporary issue chosen to be detailed within this assignment is the importance of properly planning TVET programs in order to ensure the quality of the training and guidance meets the international standards and the curriculum devised is in accordance with the requirements (Darwin, 2009)

According to Australia's National Strategy for Vocational education and Training; there is a definite need to improve the eminence, convenience, receptiveness and reliability of training in order to support the rapidly changing global needs of the industry. The aim of this paper is to devise a course of action by planning a proper TVET program, developing appropriate curriculum in accordance with the needs of the vocational learner. We will begin by discussing some of the issues that the TVET programs face in Australia, how to provide quality education by creating an appropriate curriculum and training facilities, finally we will look into some of the measures that need to be taken in order to deal with the issues identified (Bünning, Zhao, 2006).


Vocational education may be termed as teaching procedural knowledge. That prepares the learner by teaching certain methodologies based on manual activities, in order to help the student make an easy transition from a student to a professional worker without having to undergo further preparation. The recent emphasis on increasing the awareness and initiating new TVET programs is based on the fact that the labour market has become more specialized and global economies have merged creating a huge global market place where any kind of talent and skill is easily available. Every government has realized this issue and have stated investing heavily for the future of TVET programs by starting publicly funded training organizations, starting apprenticeships and traineeship initiatives (Barnett & Ryan, 2005).

TVET system in Australia

In Australia vocational and training education is post secondary and provided through a proper vocational educational and training system by the registered training organisations. The national centre for vocational education and research or NCVER is a non profit organisation responsible for training. It holds the responsibility for training, analysing, collecting, managing, evaluating and communicating research regarding the TVET programs. With the passage of time and the added awareness vocational and tertiary education have gradually removed the margin between both. A number of training providers within the country have also started offering specialised Bachelor degrees in specific areas like for instance winemaking, equine studies, aquaculture, and culinary management. Looking at the current scenario of how the adult learners within our country have to undergo extensive educational as well as vocational programs in order to meet the current international standard and requirements of labour (Davey, n.d)

Current issues within the TVET programs in Australia

It is clearly understood that the biggest issue and challenge vocational education and training faces today is constantly ensuring that the quality of teaching meets the actual requirements since the environment is constantly changing since workplaces are ...
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