Adoption: Story

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Adoption: Story

I knew only one thing; I want to be a mom. I know that I can one child among many orphans to make happy, and it will be my joy. I understand also that not only nurture the child in the womb, but in my heart. Do not ask me why I have had the strength to decide to adopt a child. Re-reading many stories of adoption and the issues that define their future parents, I noticed that just those difficulties that I encounter, I was not scared.

The world of my friends shared by those who want to I had a child, even if adopted, and these people are correct. And there were those who claimed that orphans are flawed. Such horror stories to tell. But I was not urged to abandon the idea of ??being a mother. I understand that in the wealthier families of the children seemed to be a positive family history and an ideal gene grow up drug addicts and scum. However, many abandoned kids, getting into a good and loving family is developing very fast (even if before they put the lag in development) and become very loving and good. But those whom I had met in his home as friends and who to tell me dared shit I'm no longer allowed in my life.

For myself, I realized that it was with some difficult side, but with a different reality, however, as an independent childbirth is not without difficulties and problems.

How to start an adoption?

First of all, I went to the House of Babies. I did not know with whom you can arrange to come and see children. It was a Saturday. Stepping into the yard, and hearing how the open windows in a crib agukayut kids, I started to cry and could not step into a single step. Calm down, go down the court. Going into the hall, I saw the old carriages, still relevant 15 years ago, "Malvinas" and I felt terribly sad, is not waiting for the parents of these kids, but the state only junk stores for their upbringing. I was distressed white wooden playpen in the yard, where, I think, 10 kids tolchetsya and caring for them - only duty personnel.

But the chief doctor on that day was not, and the doctor on duty said that the conversation was only with him, and do I ...
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