Admission Essay For Master Of Science In Criminal Justice

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Admission Essay for Master of Science in Criminal Justice

Admission Essay for Master of Science in Criminal Justice

With new hope and spirit, I am entering in new era of life, a life full of exciting challenges and inspiration. After analyzing my aim of life and goals associated with personal, vocational and educational, I have finally come to decision to take admission in Master of Science in Criminal Justice. My objectives and goals are to work harder towards my educational courses which could help me in developing and broadening my skills, knowledge and wisdom. My educational goals are to work harder towards understanding basic and elementary principles in field of criminal justice which not only help to me to achieve my vocational goals to become an intellectual professional but also to achieve my personal goals to broaden my perspectives in life and horizon of thinking much wider. This has led me to choose my career in criminal justice as I know that without hard work there will be no rewards. The only possible means to achieve my personal, vocational and educational interests to get admission in one of the highly recognized state-of-art college called Excelsior College. My pursuit of earning a graduate degree in criminal justice is that it covers all the subjects and contents indispensible to succeed in career ladder. Preventing crime and strengthening criminal justice are our two forefronts national priorities. This has led the demand of more and more professionals in criminal justice which could fill the necessary gaps in strengthening the system. I believe that anticipated completion of time of this degree would not only help achieve my goals but also helps me to build self-confidence and overall development of personality.

The graduate level study in criminal justice is certainly packed with several packages. In the very first place, I would get the opportunity to learn in more flexible atmosphere. The interaction between students and teacher will be more effective and educative. Also, I would get the opportunity to learn many subjects, if they are approached first time to me or those that I have not learned in undergraduate degree program. The learning will be based on both theory and practical which consequently help in better preparation of exams and better learning. Further, pursing graduate degree would help me to get deeper insight in subjects which I have learned in very basic level under my undergraduate degree program. There ...
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