Action Research Plan Draft

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Action Research Plan Draft

Action Research Plan Draft

Action Research Plan Draft


The purpose of my action research plan is to discover ways to reduce anxiety in the mainstream ESL students. Motivation is an essential element to convince an individual towards something. Therefore the research will also cater the factors that can assist the ESL teachers to motivate the students for reading English. Furthermore, the purpose of the research includes the strategies for monitoring student progress, time management, parental involvement, and an effective organizational culture.


My research will include the following variables:

Monitoring student progress

Parental involvement

Cooperative working environment

Time on task

Research Questions

The research questions are:

What can an ESL teacher do to motivate the students to enjoy reading in English?

How can multiple strategies in teaching assist for reading?

Literature Review

Motivation is a concept that can be effectively used to arouse an individual towards a specific goal. The concept is related to many terminologies associated with the human behavior patterns. It is definite that ESL students face various difficulties in their English reading and writing habits, but an effective institution or faculty can resolve these hurdles by motivating the students towards English. The progress monitoring of the ESL students assists them in their academic performance and analyzes the efficiency of the instructions. The ESL teachers must focus on strongly guiding the students, and keep a track on their performance. Motivation is a complex phenomenon which is based around various components. These include: curiosity, an individual's motivation driver, desire for success and achievement and may more (Baik et. al, 2009). These factors contribute the students in the learning situations. There are numerous theories introduced in the domain of motivation that cater different aspects of human needs and behaviors.

Action Plan

Intervention or Innovation

There is a strong need for new methodology that helps accelerate the second language acquisition process. The intervention is designed to improve the language and reading skills of ESL students. The intervention uses culturally relevant content and integrates reading, listening, writing, and speaking activities. Considering the current global dynamics, the best strategy in terms of innovation can be the integration of technology for the ESL students. This can highly assist them from various aspects. The ESL teachers need to understand the importance of catering this problem with motivation, and appreciate their learning efforts. From the innovational perspective, the best strategy for monitoring the student progress can be the incorporation of information systems (Hashimoto, 2002). The system helps in extracting frequent performance reports that can be focused on to train the students accordingly.

Parental Involvement

The motivation and learning process of the ESL students is not limited to the teachers, as the parents also have a crucial role in this process. Parental awareness is increasing along with the academia for an individual's motivation. There are many aspects of these students that can be effectively dealt by the parents, rather than the teachers. A motivation pattern must be designed, based on some goals and practices. These will not only promote a student's motivation at the institution, ...
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